The Meadow

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Kaz was surprised that Inej had called him after their arguments over text.

"Oh. Hey Kaz. It's Inej." He smiled. He hadn't heard her voice in... four years?

"What can I help you with?"

"I was wondering if I could lodge with you. I'm coming to Ketterdam tomorrow, I'll be in my hotel the next day." Kaz turned smoothly into the parking lot of his therapist's center.

"What about you and Kuwei's anniversary? Isn't that tomorrow?" Inej was quiet on the other end.

"Look, 'Nej, I gotta go, talk to you later?"

"Yeah, sure," she muttered. Kaz hung up, and got out of the car. He strode into the building, signing in. He sat down in a waiting room chair, flipping through a magazine.

"Mr. Brekker? Dr. Devyl is ready for you," called out a woman. Kaz put down the magazine, standing and following the woman back to Evalin's room. She was waiting with a smile on her face for him. he closed the door behind himself, and leaned against the door.

"Hello, Kaz. Please, sit down so we can start–"

"Let's go." Evalin looked taken aback.

"Excuse me?"

"I said let's go. Let's sneak out and hang out. That will 'help' me more than talking." Evalin shook her head, smiling.

"But you're paying for a session." Kaz shrugged, going over to the window.

"Come on. Or are you scared?" he teased. Evalin rolled her eyes.

"What if someone comes looking for me? Or you?" He shrugged again. Evalin stood slowly.

"Let me change out of this, one second." Kaz waited patiently as she slipped into the bathroom in the back of her room. She had gone in wearing a skirt, a blouse, and flats. She came out wearing short jeans, a blush sweatshirt, and sneakers.

"Sorry. I just didn't want to go out in that." She looked at him with her soft brown eyes, running a hand through her long brown-gold hair. She walked over to Kaz. He opened the window, climbing out and jumping down the ten feet, landing perfectly balanced.

"You're like a cat! Perfectly balanced!" she called down. He just said,

"Jump, I'll catch you." He could see her chewing on her bottom lip, as if thinking. Then she jumped off the sill. Kaz held out his arms and she felt straight into them. He let out an oof, staggering back a step. She smiled at him, climbing out of his arms. They snuck off to his car, climbing into the jeep and driving away.

"Oh my goodness, I just left work," she laughed to herself. Kaz looked over at her, raising a brow.

"I'm guessing you were always one of the good-two-shoes of school? Never did a bad thing." Evalin blushed, and Kaz simply stated,

"We definitely wouldn't have been friends." Kaz drove for about an hour, out to a forest with a meadow that he had discovered a few years back.

"So, where exactly are we going?" Evalin asked, snacking on the chips they'd bought when getting gas.

"A meadow, behind some woods."

"Sounds romantic," she laughed, waggling her eyebrows. Kaz rolled his eyes.

"Sure, why not. Whatever you think." They got to the woods and Kaz and Evalin got out. He led her down an old path, and she stuck close to him, shivering.

"I hate the woods, especially in freezing weather." Kaz silently handed her his coat. Evalin looked up at him as they walked down the mossy path, trying to read him.

"You're such a sweetie on the inside," she observed. Kaz snorted.

"Right." She shoved him lightly, smiling.

"Don't drag yourself down! I think you're a good person!" Kaz shrugged, his answer to most things. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and she wrapped one around his waist. it was abou a thirty minute walk, and once they came to the meadow Evalin gasped.

"Oh my..." It was a lush green grass meadow with a brook running through it and blackberry bushes. Kaz led her over to the blackberries and they picked many, Evalin eating them as she went. Then she fell back on the ground, laughing and groaning. Kaz looked down at her.

"What are you doing down there?"

"I'm stuffed! To fat to move anymore!" She rolled around and pretended to try and get up. Kaz chuckled, helping her up. She was close now, and Kaz felt something stir in him that hadn't stirred in awhile. Their hands were still holding, and neither of them dropped the other's grip.

"These are amazing blackberries. Goodness Kaz, this is such a beautiful spot." He gave her a small smile.

"I thought you might like it." Her eyes caught his. The sun sifted through the caramels and golds of her eyes, making them appear to be sparkling. Kaz's gaze dropped to her lips, and she was close enough that he could kiss her. Should he wait though? Inej and him had waited for...years. Evalin isn't Inej though, he told himself.

Steeling himself and wrapped a hand around her waist, leaning down and kissing her. Evalin's hands went to his neck, holding him close. Kaz didn't let the kiss go far, but when he did pull away Evalin stayed close. Their breath mingled, and their foreheads leaned against one another. Evalin looked into his eyes and Kaz couldn't control himself, he kissed her again. Her kiss was intoxicating, and he craved more.

Hey peeps! Hope you liked this small chapter, I know things went really quick, I realize that. Sorry, I'm not good at pacing things out, trying to get better at it. Hope y'all are starting to like Evalin. Anyway, please pardon any mistakes. I'm excited for your comments and votes!


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