Tante's Bath

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Heleen waited, looking out the window until the saw the boat depart from the island.  That's when she started screaming.  Never, never in her life had she been denied anything she wanted.  She kicked the table, overturning it, along with the tea and biscuits consequently.  Breaking the priceless china passed down in her family for generations. 

"Gelia!" she yelled.  The useless maid came running in as fast as her brittle-boned legs could take her.  Heleen pointed an accusing finger at her.

"Damnit Gelia, why'd you use the expensive china.  You're such an idiot.  Now clean up this mess."  Heleen stalked out of the room, and up her stairs. Kaz had told her that if they weren't discussing business then he wouldn't do shit with her. So they'd discussed the deal for a few moments before she'd sent one of her servants to take him back to Ketterdam. Heleen marched up her stairs, and to her room. The large room had a bathroom connected, the room bigger than the actual bedroom. The tub was sunk into the floor, with steps leading down into the water, and it took up half the room. Heleen shucked off her clothing and descended the stairs into the tub.

Hot water and bubbles swirled around her, and she sighed in pleasure, floating.  Why?  She couldn't understand Kaz.  One day, he would be so cold and uncaring towards her, and other days he'd be so... Well, the same.  But he was so mysterious and sexy, she didn't know why but she wanted him.  Heleen raised a hand above her face, examining her aging hands.  She was only four years older than him, and her hands were still supple.  She put her hand down.  The business contract...  She groaned, that stupid deal.  Wylan was so hard to get to, and he couldn't read, which made things a hell of a lot harder.  Kaz, even harder.  He wouldn't reveal anything, except that he had someone he could get money from.  Heleen turned over in the water, blowing bubbles.  Things were so hard these days.  Someone knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"Marren," the voice called back.

"Come in."  Marren, her personal maid, came in and closed the door.  Marren was around nineteen, and was a sweet little Suli girl.  Marren lathered her hands in calming lavender soap and Heleen sat up.  The small girl kneaded her back, and her neck.

"What's stressing you Tante?"  

"That boy Kaz.  I can't read him, or get to him."  

"he is an attractive boy."  


"Why don't you get him?"

"He won't come; and I can't even read him to know what he's thinking."  Marren lathered shampoo into her long, wet hair.

"You'll just have to get used to not getting what you want."  Heleen whipped around, grabbing the girl by her shoulders.

"I have never not gotten what I want, Marren; and I will not start giving up like that."  Marren shrugged under her sharp, pointed nails.

"Okay."  Heleen released her, turning back around, and Marren finished putting the shampoo in her hair, massaging her scalp with expert fingers.  She finally came to a conclusion:

I will not be shown up by him.  I always get what I want.  

I will not be denied.

Hey guys!  So, I just wanted to give this little Heleen chapter, you might see more of these, with Kuwei probably.  Not to many though.  Hope you liked it, it was kind of hard to write her P.O.V.  Anyway, please pardon any mistakes.  I'm anxiously awaiting your votes and comments!


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