Strong Woman

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(Inej and Kuwei the next morning)

Inej blinked sleepily, sitting at the counter, wine glass in hand.  Kuwei sat across from her.  They were still at the hotel, both of them even after their big fight.  Finally, he spoke.

"What the hell happened last night?"  Inej didn't look up at him, but at the swirling, deep red wine in her glass.

"I don't know–"

"But you do."  Inej rose her eyes up to meet his and then took a sip of her wine.  The blinds on the windows were drawn and in this moment Inej wished she could look out the window, hating the feeling of being confined.

"Maybe I never got over leaving Kaz."  Kuwei snorted.

"Then why would agree to want to marry me?"

"I thought I loved you.  Kuwei, I do love you.  Just maybe not in the way you want."  Kuwei ran a hand through his hair, closing his eyes.

"Inej, I can't deal with this.  You love me some days, and then other days you're a total bitch."  Kuwei stood, and Inej stood too, going over to him.  She looked up at his stoic face and slapped him as hard as she could.  Kuwei's face snapped to the side, and she heard his neck crack.  Ignoring the ringing pain in her hand she lowered it, glaring up at him.

"Well, I can't deal with you.  You never press me, try to get me to be a better version of myself.  You let me be like this."  Kuwei balled his hands into fists and Inej took a measured step back, not knowing what he would do.  Hurt was like an ocean scene painted across his face.

"Inej, it's not my fault you're like this.  Maybe your parents didn't raise you well–"

"Do not bring my parents into this.  Or blame them for the fact that you can't take a strong-hearted and strong-willed woman.  You want someone quiet and loving, to dote on you and make you feel good about yourself.  You never wanted me to be like this, you wanted me to be your kind wife that stayed at home and cared for your children.  Well, I'm sorry, but that's not who I am."  Kuwei rolled his eyes.

"You're just embarrassed that what I say is true.  Not only that, but you still seem to be in love with that scumbag Kaz Brekker."

"He is not a scumbag.  Kaz is my best friend, and has always been there for me, unlike you."

"I've been there for you more than that bastard has.  And this is how you repay me.  I can't believe he ever put up with someone like you."  Anger surged over her, overriding all her senses.  Inej pounced, jumping on Kuwei and tackling him to the ground.  She punched him in the face over and over, one hand covering his mouth to keep in his yells.  Her legs pinned his arms and she sat too low on his hips for him to successfully buck her off.  Inej stopped only when all she could see was literally red, and feel mush beneath her hand.  She rolled off him, and he jumped up.  Inej shoved him towards the door, hissing, 

"Next time you look in the mirror and see that, I want you to remember I did that to you.  Now I never want to see you again."  She yanked the ring off her finger, throwing it at him as he raced out the door.

Hey guys!  Sorry, I haven't updated recently, I've been busy and really lazy, going through severe writers block.  Hope y'all understand.  I know this is going slow and probably boring, but I promise things should get interesting.  Please pardon any mistakes.  Vote and comment amigos!


P.S. If y'all have any suggestions for a new book I'll take them!  Though I might not use them, but I'm sure they'll be good!

P.P.S.  For any of my A Court of Thorns and Roses fans that could possibly be reading this though I doubt it's likely... It's my baby Rhysand's birthday!!!  Sorry, I'm, like, in love with him.  11/20

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