The Meeting

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Wylan sat at the head of the Merchant Council table, his paperwork spread before him- not able to read any of it.  The table had six chairs on each side, and seven additional chairs lined up on the wall, a chair for each assistant to write down helpful information.  Wylan watched closely as each merchant and assistant filed into the room, taking their respectful seats.  As everyone say Wylan thought with a pang, "My father would have sat here".  He quietly examined all the man at least eight or nine years older than him.

"Thank you for joining me gentlemen," he started, getting a chorus of "Of courses" from the merchants.  Wylan pretended to examine the papers that he had memorised prior to this meeting. 

"As you know, jurda demand has gone up, and illegal jurda parem is being made in our very city, or shipped in.  I know my father did not care to stop this sort of thing, but I do.  Innocent Grisha children are being drugged with it and I was proposing the idea of each of us pitching in money to increase security around the docks for checking shipments of things.  Also, if we get a lead we follow it, not just drop it."  Wylan met each man's gaze and one, an older man with a balding head said,

"How much should this project cost?"

"A few hundred thousand, maybe a few million.  To hire people, create/order the materials, and rehabilitation centres for affected Grisha."  The men started murmuring and one assistant raised her pale arm into the air.

"Yes?" Wylan asked, turning his stern face on the woman.  It was Matthias' mother, her long blonde tresses and her ice blue eyes... So much of her had been in him. 

"Exactly how much though?"  Her pen was poised over her notepad and she waited patiently for his reply.  Wylan swallowed past the lump in his throat.

"Around seven hundred thousand from each merchant."  At that statement all hell broke loose on him.


Hey guys!  Just a real short Wylan chapter cause I haven't done him in awhile.  Hope you're ready for the performance, some stuff should happen!  Anyways, please pardon any mistakes I'm on my phone. Awaiting your votes and comments eagerly!


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