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Kaz dumbly say in the driver seat of his car.  He stared at his hands, the black gloves covering them.  Everyone he loved was gone now.  The only thing that was with him was revenge, and even that old friend was quiet.  Curling his fingers around the steering wheel and pressing down on the gas he started to drive out of the parking lot.  Tante must pay, he thought.

Slowly he joined the river of cars on the road and headed for the Van Eck's.  He would get them and then they would go attack Tante. Kaz would rip her lungs out and pin them above the doors of the club.  He turned down a backroad; blood rushing the only sound in his ears.  Speeding up his speed went from thirty to sixty.  He could hardly see through the thick fog that had descended and the night blackness.  Suddenly a figure emerged.  Kaz swerved, but with a limp thump the figure went flying through the air.

Hey y'all!  Hope you're healthy and jumpy.  I know this chapter was bad and this story is.  I'm tempted to just stop writing and take it down.  Anyways, please pardon any spelling mistakes and vote! 


P.S. Go read JuneinWinter 'a book Wilted.  It's amazing!

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