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(Thirty minutes earlier)

Nina sat huddled in a corner of the mess hall, fingers curling and uncurling against her legs.  Her eyes scanned people, feelings their heartbeats and pulses, and curling her fingers.  She felt their pulses waver, for just a moment, before she would release them.  Her hand dropped from her leg to her pocket, feeling the spoon she had stolen in her pocket like a deadweight.  Determination swamped her–she was getting out, Nina knew she couldn't survive one more day here.

"Nina!" someone called out, and Nina looked up.  Alisin.  Nina stood up, walking over mechanically.


"We're getting out today."  Nina smiled.  Alisin was her partner in crime.  Alisin was new here, and she wanted out.  She was tall and thin with hacked-off blonde hair, and crazed blue eyes.  sentenced to a life here for killing her family and eating their entrails.  Everyone said one day someone official would get mad and sign her up for a killing.

"Go back to your cell, kill your cellmate and the guards, then break out.  I want you to send a wave of power through here and kill everyone but me, then escape.  Leave and don't wait for me.  I'm staying behind to feast."  The young woman licked her lips hungrily and Nina looked down at her lunch pale, half-expecting to see human fingers.

"They'll just catch you."  Alisin shrugged.

"I'm going to rip out all the throats I can, taste all the blood I can, before they finally kill me. Got it? You know the plan?"



(Ten minutes later)

Nina sat across from Natalia–her cellmate–and narrowed her eyes.  Natalia smiled at her knowingly.

"He's telling you not too."  Nina's power faltered for a moment before she grabbed the lady's life force.

"Matthias is dead."

"Matthias would have wanted you to be a good person."

"Don't speak of him."  Then, without even doing all she was supposed to, Nina let all her power loose inside the asylum.  She felt everyone die around her, even Alisin.  No-one deserved to live.  Not after Matthias had died.  Nina walked over to the door, panting and her head spinning.  Her door was ajar, as the spoon had stopped it from closing all the way.  She walked out of the room,  and down halls until she ended up outside.  The sun burned her eyes and she held a hand up against it.  Looking around she realized she was just on the outskirts of the city.  Then it came to her.  She knew what she had to do.

Nina started running, through the road, down sidewalks.  Shoving past people.  She heard sirens and ran harder.  His name was like a mantra in her head, pushing her farther and harder.  Nina had to find him.

Kaz. Kaz. Kaz...

Hey guys!  So I know it was small, and BTW the doctors and stuff were running to get in ambulances to go here in the last chapter.  Hope you liked it.  Vote, comment, and enjoy!


P.S. YESTERDAY WAS MY BABY FEYRE'S BIRTHDAY!  Who else is excited for A Court of Frost and Starlight?!

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