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Kaz followed Heleen, keeping his eyes between her shoulder blades. She led him through a maze of halls and down two flights of stairs to a simple white wooden door.

"Open this, and talk to the person in there. Then come back to the foyer." Kaz nodded, and Heleen walked away. Jax stood there for a few minutes, debating. Anyone could be in there, but who could she really have found? Kaz sighed, wishing someone was there with him to help him through this.

His phone started ringing then, and Kaz quickly pulled it out of his pocket. Inej.

"What do you want?" He could hear her breathing fast.

"Meet me at your house in an hour."

"Inej, I'm kind of busy."

"I know you'll be there." Then she hung up on him. Kaz looked down at his phone. Had she just... ordered him around and assumed he would be there after their fight? Tucking his phone into his pocket Kaz grabbed the handle, twisting it and walking into the room. The man sitting in the chair was not who he had expected it to be.

Closing the door Kaz walked to the seat across from the man, sitting down. His knife was in his sleeve, ready to come out in case the person attacked him.

"Kaz Brekker. The mastermind of the man that put me jail." Kaz did take out his knife then, running it under his fingernails. Cleaning the already spotless nails nonchalantly.

"Jan Van Eck, the merchant with a mistress who was stupid enough to get caught." Jan Van Eck growled.

"Watch it."

"Or what? You'll use the money you don't have to threaten me and then not follow up on any of them?" Jan relaxed back in his black leather seat, smirking.

"So you don't know then. Interesting." Kaz pretended he sink wasn't interested, but now he wants dot know what he didn't know. Looking around the tiny room, painted black with minimal furnishing Kaz commented,

"I love what you've done with this place."

"Watch your tongue. When I have my money and power back I'm coming after you and your little gang." Kaz shrugged.

"No one is stupid enough to help you." Jan cackled.

"Hypocrite." Kaz now twirled the knife in between his fingers.

"What are you implying?" His voice was dangerously quiet, resounding in the small room.

"I'm implying that you don't know what I supply in the deal." Kaz feigned knowledge.

"Of course I do." Jan raised a perfectly manicured brow.

"I don't think so." Kaz didn't know, so instead he glared down Jan, connecting the dots in his head. He hated that he hadn't known Jan was in the deal, and had tripped up in some of what he said.  Finally he got the answer after a few quick moments.

"You supply the Parem."

Hey guys! So I should go to sleep, but I wanted to get this out because I thought it was important. So now you know one part of the infamous deal! Hope you're excited to figure out the whole thing. Please pardon any mistakes I'm on my phone. Also, vote and comment because even if I get one comment from everyone I will be so happy and as a writer I like to know that people that are reading my work are enjoying/processing it. Please comment my friends!


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