If you're lying...

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Wylan and Jesper called the police, and now they stood in his kitchen, trying to think of the best way to move the box without damaging anything.

"Just get it out!" Wylan ordered, as he had to take a call.  He stormed out of the kitchen and saw that it was Kaz.

"What the hell do you want Kaz?"

"Wylan, listen to me.  Where are you?"

"Why should I–"

"Where. Are. You?"

"My home."

"Your father is out.  Heleen let him out.  You and Jesper need to leave, go somewhere safe.  It's too dangerous.  Jan says he's coming after you.  All of us."  Wylan hurried over to the front door, locking it.

"Why should I trust you?"  Wylan believed him though.  But he wouldn't let Kaz think he was so soft and that he would fold so easily.

"Wylan, this is not a game.  Your father will come after you.  Just–Wylan, I'm trying to do the right thing for once."  Wylan sighed.

"If you're lying..."

"I swear I'm not."  

"When was the last time you saw him?"

"An hour or two ago?"  Wylan hung up on him and nodded to the police as they unlocked the door and left.  Jesper came over to him and wrapped his arms around Wylan, burying his face in his neck.

"What if Lihvia is next?"  Wylan rubbed his back.

"Jes, I got a call.  We need to leave."  Jesper pulled away.

"Excuse me?"

"We need to leave."  Jesper shook his head.

"We're perfectly safe–"  Just then the window shattered.

"Oh shit," Wylan breathed as his father tumbled into the room, gun in hand.  A mad look glazed his eyes.

"Hands up, boys.  Or I shoot."

Hey guys!  Sorry for the wait, and the really bad chapter.  You guys know this, I'm really bad at Wylan and Jesper.  Please pardon any mistakes.  Vote and comment!


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