The New Allies (Part 2)

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Y/N: "There is no way that he is your mate" I said making her eyes widen 

Kendall: "Because he is him and you are well you" Gigi looked at me funny but I just ignored her

G pulled me outside the classroom and shoved me in a small space in the hallway

Gigi: "What the hell is going on with you? I know you hate competition but that is her mate" for some reason just hearing her I calmed down which reminded me 

Y/n: "I'm not worried about competition right now that is my best friend in there I'm not about to let her walk out of here with just any guy" I know I sound possessive but she is my best friend 

Gigi: " are you so hooked on getting me together with Zayn?" she had just asked the dumbest question ever 

Y/n: "Well that's easy, I know and trust him, I on the other hand know nothing about this Alpha" I said and was about to walk back into the class when I felt myself being pulled back into that small space

Gigi: "I will tell you who he is. He is Kenny's mate and an alpha on a strong pack and could be an allie so can you please calm the hell down" at this point she was coming off stronger than I ever did 

Y/n: "G calm down" I pulled her into a hug and instantly felt her calm down in my arms which was weird but felt normal, I let go of her instantly and she let out a soft sigh "I'll talk to him, go home and get some rest" she was about to object when I stopped her, "I will control myself and won't do anything stupid, I promise" I said making a cross on my chest 

Gigi: "Okay fine, you will schedule a meeting with him later and we all will be there but for now" she walked in the classroom and walked over to kenny "You are coming with me" she grabbed Kendall and I heard a loud growl and I countered it 

Y/n: "Watch it! Remember whose territory you are in" I said and stood infront of Gigi and he just looked at me then took a step forward "Don't test me, cause I have a promise to keep" I said and he stayed in the same spot and never moved 

Gigi: "You don't have to save her from me but i won't save you from her if you make one wrong move and I promise you no one will save you from me" his face didn't show any emotion and I really wanted to slap him 

Kendall: "Easy you guys." she looked at him and then back at me "I have a feeling Y/n will be arranging a meeting with you tomorrow so I will see you there" she blew him a kiss and walked out with Gigi

Y/n: "Don't I get one?" I said and a low growl erupted from behind me with a smirk plasterd on my face I turned around 

Alpha: "Was she the only reason you came back brother?"


Gigi: "I cannot believe you already found your mate! I though you have to be over 18 \?" she laughed and i just looked at her confused 

Kendall: "Yes but he is an Alpha" now I am even more confused and she could tell, "An alpha is able to find their mate when they turn 16" wow

Gigi: "So that means Y/n can go find her mate" but why is she still here 

Kendall: "Her mate but be here considering that she hasn't had the push to leave this place" she explained and that actually made alot of sense I wonder who it is

Gigi: "Do you thing she already found her, since it can't be a him cause of you know" i said trying not to say that she has a dick out loud cause it's still weird to talk about 

Kendall: "Yeah I understand that part" she said and I really wanted her to change the topic, "I honestly never thought that he would be an alpha" she said talking me surprised

Gigi: "Well that is a good quality in a guy or person, were you expecting him to be something else" I asked but she didn't answer me "Kendall it's a good thing and it happened for a reason okay

Kendall: "I know but Y/n is not gonna let go so easily" I think that I'm suppose to be a dumb blonde today honestly, "We are the only people she trusts entirely and I don't want her to feel alone" she has a point 

Gigi: "I know but she is not alone, I'm here and I'm not gonna leave her not anytime soon" she looked at me with a soft smile which I returned with a hug 

Kendall: "What about Zayn?" 

Gigi: "What about him?" 

Kendall: "Don't you wanna be with him, I thought Y/n was gonna help you get him or something like that" does anyone else know about this or am I just the last one to find out about everything 

Gigi: "Does everyone know about this" I said throwing my hands up in frustration

Kendall: "No just me" she said with a small laugh at the end

Gigi: "You know what" and with that I walked out of the room


Zayn: "Hey Miss-" I cut him off and kissed his lips and he instantly kissed back which made smile into kiss  

Gigi: "I wanted to do that for a really long time" I said as I pulled back and he just smiled at me, "I hate to do this but I have to go now" I took off without another word 

I drove the whole way back to my place with a smile plastered on my face, I walked in the front door to be met by two worried faces

Y/n: "And where did you go Miss Hadid?" she said with her arms crossed and foot tapping on the floor at a fast pace

Kendall: "Did you just go where I think you went and did what I think you did?" I gave an innocent shrug and walked over and sat on the couch

Y/n: "Where did you go?" I shrugged once more and turned on the Tv "Gigi where did you go" she said again but this time she used the alpha tone on me

Kendall: "Y/n!" I looked at her and her eyes widened 

Gigi: "You did not just use that Alpha tone on me, our one deal was that you were not allowed to use that on me" I can believe she just did that 

Y/n: "You didn't give me much of a choice" she woke up from the seat and stood infront of the Tv "Where did you go?"

Gigi: "By Zayn" I said standing up and walked up to her "And I kissed him" her eyes widened and anger and hurt filled her eyes Ken pulled me back and Y/n just stood there frozen 

Y/n: "Well hmm..." she looked at Kendall "There will be a meeting with your mate tomorrow" she took off for the back

Kendall: "Where are you going" she screamed but go no answer she turned to me and sighed, "I think Y/n is getting her edge back" I looked at her confused but she just walked to the kitchen "You hungry?" I nodded and walked with her to help her 

Why would she be angry and hurt she is the one who wanted to help me in the first place




Behind her angel eyes... A Gigi and Y/n StoryWhere stories live. Discover now