The War Plan (Part 5)

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Y/n and the others where fighting and there was no sign of Gigi since the call of  the war, the girls have taken down most of the intruders along with Silas' men and there were very few left assuring Y/n that the odds are currently in her favor but she didn't want to take anything for granted 

She looked around the battlefield and made eye contact with Silas making him turn and look at everything going on around him. Anger flowed through his veins and he wanted revenge for his mate. He looks at Y/n and starts to move in her direction making Y/n counter his movements and do the same but at a faster pace

Their two worlds collide when they meet in the center. The impact was so great that it sent them a few feet away from each other. Silas moved for Y/n's shoulder making her move away from his grip, she moved to the left and avoided his attacks.

Y/n's wolf charged towards Silas' and knocked him into the nearest tree, she heard a growl as his side came into contact with the tree

Y/n's wolf was standing over Silas as he tried to wake up but she held him down with her paw on his front leg pushing it down, she was satisfied when she started to her a crunching sound from his shoulder, she picked up her other paw and was about to swing but he pushed her of him with his two back legs. She let out a growl when the pain shot through her stomach making her stumble back

They both let out a loud fierce growl as they got off the ground catching the attention of every wolf on the field, they all stopped fighting and focused on their Alpha's who were now circling each other.

They both lunged at each other and Y/n was knocked down and thrown through a tree, she got on all for standing tall with her head held high. She refused to summit to Silas and he didn't like it one bit

She moved swiftly and dogged most of the strikes being thrown by Silas. He was getting more angry each time Y/n moved past him, after a while it was just Y/n and Silas fighting and each time someone tried to help her she growled telling them to stay away

The wolves that were fighting with Y/n moved to help with the fight along the ends if the territory

Silas clawed Y/n stomach causing her to stumble back and fall on her side, her vision was becoming blured and next thing she saw was a wolf who pushed Silas off him and to a far end of the field

The wolf disappeared into the direction that Silas was thrown in. A smell wrapped around Y/n and she knew where the smell came from...her mate


I know its a shirt update but the next one will be longer...that's a promise

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