The Truth Beneath The Lies (Part 4)

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I was surrounded by clouds and I looked up to see a wolf standing in front of me 'Hello Gigi' she said making my eyes widen 'Nora' I said and she nodded confirming my thoughts 'Where are we?' I asked her while waking up from the floor 

'Greetings my child' a familiar voice said from behind me causing me to turn around in shock 'Why bring us here' she offered me a soft smile and nodded for me to follow her which I did, 'If this is about the Mistress thing again then I really don't have the mind space for that right now' I said and she let out a small laugh 

Nora walked up next to me and rubbed her head against my hand making me laugh cause her fur tickled my hand 'You are surely your fathers child' she said making me look at her 'Is that why my mother left' I said causing her eyes to widen, 'That was unfair' she said and I nodded 'Trust me I know the feeling' I said and walked forward after hearing a soft but audible growl 

'Why did you bring me here Selene' I said and she looked at me with sad eyes which I just shrugged off, 'You can't let Y/n bow out' she said and I looked at her shocked 'Would yo look at that she does care for her daughters safety, oh wait' I said and rolled my eyes as Nora laughed in my ear 

I was surrounded by a white light then found myself being in a different place. I looked around the place and started walking around. This place looks familiar but it was broken and surrounded by danger and destruction, the sky was red and the clouds were black

Gigi: "Selene!" I screamed for her but there was no answer I screamed for her twice more and she finally decided to grace me with her presence "Where did you send me" I said and she looked around with soft eyes

Selene: "This is home" she said and I looked around, I saw someone walking in the distance and decided to follow her, I followed her until she turned around and my heart sank to my stomach. She had bruises all over her body and her eyes were constantly red and and on high alert as if she wanted to know what was going to happen

Gigi: "What happen to my sister" I said and she looked away "She's hurt, I would never let that happen to her" I said and she shook her head 

Selene: "But you did" she said and my eyes widened "You let Y/n convince you to bow out of the war" she said and I looked at her wide eyed "Believe it or not kiddo but she is like that because of you" she said and I felt a part of myself disappear 

Gigi: "Where is Hailey" I said looking around "She would always be by her side" I said and looked at her but she gave me no responce

Selene: "You and Bella drifted apart after Silas took over" why would we...oh no

Gigi: "Where is Hails" I said and she said nothing again, my knees got weak and I felt my legs giving up "He killed her" was all I could say but she just shook her head

Selene: "No" she said and I let out a sigh "Silas didn't kill her, you did" my heart stopped after hearing what she had just said and it started to get hard to breathe, "Silas killed Y/n and took the place as alpha when she went to give up. He had no mercy and killed her" she said making the anger build up in me "You shifted and in the anger you killed" she said making me look at her shocked 

Gigi: "You need to not make the mistake and fight the war" she said making me look at her with broken eyes. I fell but she caught me before I hit the ground "Why did you leave" I said and she looked at me confused 

I was surrounded by light again and found myself waking up in Y/n's arms, her eyes was laced with concern and regret and I could help but smile at how worried she was, confusion took over her features and she looked at me with a worried look as if I was going insane 

Y/n: "Gi, are you okay" she asked and I just nodded in return not wanting to say anything right away. I felt my mind go into a gaze and my vision became a blur as everything The Moon Goddess ad shown me made it's way back into my mind, "Baby, please come back to me" she said and held me to her chest 

Gigi: "I'm not going anywhere" I said and she pulled back looking at me shocked not wasting another minute she connected our lips. I couldn't help but smile feeling the sparks between us "Don't give up" I said pulling away which made her groan and myself laugh at her reaction 

Y/n: "I'm not letting you go back there" she said and I couldn't help but push her away so I could stand up "He can have the pack but I will never let him have you" she said and I just shook my head at her 

Gigi: "And if he kills you, you would have neither of those" she looked at me shocked  "You have no idea what he has planned or if he would even let you walk out of there in one piece" I said and she looked down and then back at me

Y/n: "He isn't going to kill me. I'll never let that happen" she said and I felt warmth in me for the first time in a long time "I will never leave you no matter what" she said and I just looked at her and she sent me a soft smile which I returned 

Gigi: "Right now you don't control what comes next" I said which made the smile on her face fall "I know I sound like a bitch but Y/n I'm beyond serious right now" I said and took a few steps away from her 

Y/n: "I promise you that nothing is going to happen to me" I could help but feel the warmth from the words she was saying "I love you" she said walking up to me holding my head in her hands, she leaned in and pressed her lips against mine

Gigi: "Don't say it like that" I said and she looked at me confused "Don't say it as if its a goodbye" she looked at me and gave me a soft smile "Y/n" I said as she started to walk away "I love you" I felt sparks inside me as soon as I said those words 

Y/n: "I know" she said and walked out the door which I had no idea was not locked anymore "And hey" she said pulling me out of my thoughts "I trust you" she said and I gave her a soft genuine smile and she closed the door 

+Later that day+

Gigi: "I'm at your service you don't ave to start rumors to" I said and he looked at me with an evil smile 

Silas: "Come on love" he said walking up from the thrown and sped down in front of me "Where's the fun in that?" he said and I took a step back "Before making anymore plans I need one more thing from you" he said and I nodded for him to continue "You loyalty to me" I looked at him confused "You will pledge you alliance with me and fight side by side with my army" he said and my eyes widened


What do you think Gigi should do?


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