The War Plan (Part 1)

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Gigi: "I have to tell you something about the war" I said pulling away and she looked at me confused "Silas wants me to fight on his side to show my loyalty to him" I said and she froze, I couldn't even hear her heart beat, which scared me even more "Y/n" I said waving my hand in front of her face

Y/n: "Hell no!" she exclaimed catching by surprised causing me to jump back "What does he think he is doing" she said and started pacing the room "Give me that" she said pushing me aside as she started punching the bag 

Gigi: "Y/n stop" I said when I notice the blood that was falling from her hands but she just ignored me and started mumbling to herself, so I said the one thing that would make her stop and Goddess how I wished I hadn't said it, "I agreed to fight with him" she stopped instantly and looked my way 

Y/n: "Are you insane!" she exclaimed and stalked towards me "You're screwing with me aren't you" she said and I could she the anger build up in her and it made me feel a bit uneasy "Why in goddess' damn world would you agree to it" she said and I remained quiet not wanting to get her more angry "Answer me!" she screamed and I found myself walking backwards as she did the opposite to my actions and walked towards me 

Gigi: "I am more then capable of justifying my actions" she nodded for me to continue but kept her actions constant not stopping until my back hit the wall causing me to curse under my breathe cause there was no where for me to go, "But I don't see the reason why as I can make my own decisions in life" I regretted it as soon as I said it, she let out a fierce growl making me jump on the inside but keep my composer on the outside 

Y/n: "As you was saying" she said with a smirk pulling on her lips as she stopped inches away from me, "But if you wish to do so against me I guess you should learn how to fight me" she said and swung and I moved swiftly away from her attack and moved to side with my hands in the air

Gigi: "It's not what you think" I said moving past her again to avoid her leg that was aimed for my gut which almost made contact. "You need to think before doing something irrational" I said but non of my words were getting through to her, "Mate" I said and her eyes was consumed by red 

Y/n: "Don't you dare call me that" she said and her voice was unrecognizable, it sounded more animalistic that humane. I managed to dodge most of the attacks but some made contact, with each of her movement becoming quicker my counter movement became more comfortable and it was easy for me to move around her and to move away from her attacks, the heat in my blood increased and I felt my anger build up inside me "I knew from the beginning you never wanted this. All you wanted was to be alone an to yourself" she said stopping her movement "The only thing I'm wondering is why haven't you rejected me yet" I felt something in me slip and I lost control and was pushed to the back of my mind 

Not wanting to hear anything else Nora pinned her to the wall and bit into her neck marking her as ours, I felt her wolf at the back of my mind and could feel everything she was feeling, I knew what Nora was going to do and I let her cause I wanted the bond as much as she did

I pulled my canines out of her neck and took a few steps back and looked at her with a smirk on my face where as she looked at me stunned. She closed her eyes and I could feel what she was feeling, I could feel the desire she was holding back I took steps towards her and she opened her eyes as almost sensing my movements towards her not breaking eye contact I walked up to her 

She wrapped her hand around my waist and pulled me in her embrace and connected our lips without a second thought. I pulled away and looked in her eyes and they were consumed with love and lust, she closed her eyes and hide her head in my neck taking in my scent, hearing the breath become even again she looked up at me

Behind her angel eyes... A Gigi and Y/n StoryWhere stories live. Discover now