The New Allies (Part 3)

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Why is this affecting me so much she is in love with someone else and she is my best friend. I practically knew her from the time we were in dippers. What is up with these emotions, it's gonna ruin everything 

I ran out the house and and shifted into my great white wolf and ran into the woods, I ran to a stream along the boarders of the pack territory and shifted back into my human form

I changed into my cloths that I hid here since I always come out here to think and I sat by the water, Hailey and I used to come here alot growing up, maybe this way I can show everyone that I haven't lost my edge. It shouldn't be that hard, right?


Y/n: "Good morning my fellow scholars, isn't it a wonderful day" I said walking in to find Zayn's hand around Gigi's shoulder, I walked up to them and had a smirk on my face,but secretly I was dying on the inside "You guys look so cute together" I said as I approached  them "It's adorable" her smile dropped as soon as she saw me, but I just shrugged it off 

Kendall: "Y/n! Where the hell did you disappear to yesterday" she ran up to me and pulled me into a bone crushing hug

Gigi: "What do you mean. Didn't she come back home last night? She said she needed air" ken did what I wished she didn't, she nodded and gigi just looked at me shocked 

Bella: "It's cool guys she slept over at my place last night" she covered up for me, which made me feel bad cause now she is lying to her sister. I was about to say something when I was cut off, "I invited Y/n over when I saw her coming back from a run" how does she know about the run

Kendall: "Thank Goddess, I thought she would have done something stupid" I gave her a look and she looked at Bella who was shaking her head, "Hmm okay, I will be seeing you guys a little later I have to work on an assignment that is due tomorrow" we all nodded and she took off pulling Bella with her 

Y/n: "Congradz you two, honestly I'm actually visualizing the future for you two" I said and walked over to them and shook Zayn's hand and squeezed it a little "You have my blessing" I pulled him closer to me and spoke in his ear "Hurt her and I will not hesitate to end you, just some friendly advise" I said the last part as I was moving away from him and a little louder

Zayn: "Noted, and don't worry I would never, she's like my bestfriend " he said putting his arm back around her

Y/n: "Where have I heard that before" I said and shifted my gaze to Gigi while my hand was on my chin 

Gigi: "Can I please talk to you in private" she grabbed my arm and pulled me into an empty classroom "What the hell is going on with you? Last night you were hurt and now you what, jolly to the core?" she said shoving me back 

Y/n: "I was not hurt last night, I thought I would be the one who would get you to together" I said "It hurts me that you would let me down like that" I said walking closer and to my surprise she did the exact same, she took two steps closer and looked me dead in the eyes

Gigi: "I saw the hurt and anger in your eyes last night, you can't hide the way you feel from me, you never could" I took another step forward and looked at her hypnotizing eyes and down at her lips and then back at her eyes 

Y/n: "I'm more capable now" I said taking a step back "so if you excuse me I do believe my girlfriend is looking for me and I'm sure your boyfriend is looking for you" I moved closer to her face and watched as her eyes closed and pulled back and used my supernatural speed to leave the class fast before I did something really bad

*Chemistry Class*

Kendall: "Y/n pisttt!" I turned and looked at her and raised an eyebrow "What happened with you and G in the morning?" why and how do people know about that and in any case nothing happened we just had a friendly conversation  

Behind her angel eyes... A Gigi and Y/n StoryWhere stories live. Discover now