Toxic (Part 1)

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This entire morning has been filled with paperwork and working with the warriors in the training grounds. The people are aware that their Alpha was awake and walking around, which made me nervous cause she wasn't hundred percent healed as yet

Y/n: "Someone looks stressed" she said as she walked in the office "What you up to" she said walking over to me but i didn't answer her as i was a little busy reading over the alliance contract in front of me

Gigi: "I just need to finish this contract and I'm all yours" I said reading over the last page I saw y/n walk over to the couch and take a seat

Y/n: "Any new alliances" she asked as I was closing the contract "I never saw that before" she said pointing to the contract I just put down

Gigi: "This one came about after the battle" I said as I sat in her lap and rested my head on her shoulder her hands snaked around me and held me closer

Y/n: "Long day" she said and I nodded not wanting to move from this position "You know I can help you out in the office" she said and I shook my head

Gigi: "No, right now you need to focus on getting better and you need to get back to training" I said and she looked down at me with a soft smile before placing a kiss on my head

Y/n: "I can handle it" she said and I let out a shake sigh and tightened my grip around her

Gigi: "I know but I don't want you to have any stress right now" I said and she laughed lifting my head up making me look into her y/e/c

Y/n: "Well with you I'm always gonna be stressed" she said making me punch her chest lightly

Gigi: "You luck you cute" I said before snuggling more into her warmth

Y/n: "So what do u need me to do boss" she said making me laugh a little into her chest, "Gosh how I missed that laugh" she said making me bury my head deeper into her chest as I felt the heat run up my face 

Gigi: "The things you do to me" I mumbled and looked up at her to see her smiling from ear to ear "I love you" I said which made her smile even more 

Y/n: "I love you" and that's all it took for the butterflies in my stomach to go insane "I love that smile" she said and I just looked at her in awe "And don't get me started on that beauty" she said making me raise a brow "Inward and outward beauty of course" she said which made me laugh a little "And that laugh"

Gigi: "Easy Y/n" I said in a hushed tone "Don't do this here" I said and she pouted with her puppy dog eyes making me laugh even more "Look my sister could walk in at any minute" I said making her internally groan 

Y/n: "Not if we lock the door" she said in my ear causing shivers to run down my spine, "Come on, it will be fun" she said making me wake up from her, I walked backwards as she walked towards me 

Gigi: "No, Y/n, I'm serious" I said still walking backwards until I let out a groan as my back came into contact with the hard wall. "Y/n, we can't" I tried again but noticed she stopped a few feet ahead of me, I could see she was fighting for dominance and she was struggling so I did what I thought was a good idea, I ran 

Y/n: "Fine but later you are mine" she said making me look at her and laugh at how childish she looked right now "I'm not kidding, your mine Hadid" she said sending shivers down my spine 

Gigi: "Forever" I mumbled before connecting our lips "And you are mine" I said kissing down her neck and then back up to her ear "And no one will change that" I said into her ear making her grip around me tighten and bury her head in my neck 

Y/n: "for the person who doesn't want me to do anything you being a real tease" she said making me laugh at her response 

Gigi: "What?!" I said innocently "I have no idea what you are talking about" I said and then heard a knock on her door making me walk out of Y/n's grip which made her groan and me open the door laughing at the way she was behaving

Bella: "We have an issue" she said in a hushed tone, Y/n woke up and was next to me in seconds

Y/n: "What's wrong" she asked 

Bella: "We spotted unusual activity along the boarders and well, the rest you will have to see to believe" she said and led us out to the spot 

We came closer and the only thing that grew was the smell of blood and it wasn't there for long which means the incident happened recently. The smell grew even stronger the further we moved and soon we came to a stop. The smell was there but there was no blood, non

Hailey: "It's a spell" she said making me look at her shocked 

Gigi: "Witches?" I asked and she shook her head "Silas" I said once more and she nodded, I then realized that Y/n was home alone and James would only reach there in a few hours 

Bella: "We need to go back" she said and I nodded immediately "Hailey stay here with them and search this place" she looked back at her mate before turning to me "We need to hurry" she said and we took off

When we got back home the place was trashed and everything was damaged. I screamed for Y/n but there was no answer, I ran up the stairs and screamed again and there was still no answer. I walked into our room to find her lying on the ground unconscious with a note next to her saying 

You have 48 hours until I come to you and you have to let me through cause see that mark on my daughters hand, that mark links our life force so if I die so does she.

 So if I were you I would tell your men to stand down and I would prepare to stand down. You already know what I want, my love. 

Be ready because I will not come alone and I will see that our understanding is the same on that night if not then you have hell to pay and I won't mind dying if it means she dies with me

See you soon 



Another chapter done...poor Y/n always the target in this. Let me know what you guys think about Silas.

What do you think he wants...?



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