Toxic (Part 3)

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Its been days and Y/n was still unconscious in the bed and Gigi had been more anxious as the days went on, she is currently sitting next to Y/n when she hears the door down stairs being flung open and the sound of glass breaking making her race down stairs 

Gigi: "Agh! What do you want" she asked but they just stood there with a smug look on their faces 

Shawn: "Masters is on his way" he said looking her down whilst licking his lips "It would be a shame if something would have to happen before he arrives" he said licking his lips

Gigi: "Your master, as you call him, is old and supposedly wise, so tell me why he has you two as his henchmen" she said making Shawn growl and the guy next to him look up at the blonde

Fai: "Watch your tongue, little wolf" he said in a calm tone "Before I come over there and rip it out of your throat" and with that they all heard a vicious growl erupt from behind the girl

Y/n: "I would love to see you try" without a second thought Gigi walked over to her mate and pulled her into a tight hug, but Y/n never kept her eyes off the two males standing at the kitchen door

Gigi: "His here" she said letting go of Y/n and watch as the two bodies retreat back whilst another emerge from the trees "You have captured our attention, now what do you want" she said but he just looked at her with a blank expression on his face

Silas: "Oh my dear daughter how glad am I to see you standing once more" he said ignoring Gigi's question "But before you think of pouncing on me ask you beautiful mate what happens if I die" he said and Y/n turns back to look at Gigi with confusion written all over her face

Y/n: "What is he talking about" she said walking over to his mate

Bella: "It's on your hand Y/n" she said as she walked out the house making Y/n look at the mark on her hand

Y/n: "You son of a bitch" she said and a smirk made its way on his face "How could you do this" she screamed but he just shrug it off

Silas: "Call it a safety measure" he said and they all glared at him "You know I'm starting to feel out numbered" he said and we looked back to see Hailey standing at the door

Hailey: "Let's call it a safety measure" she said mimicking her father "You never were one to follow through on a deal" she said and he nodded with a devilish smile confirming her statement

Silas: "See that is why you are my favorite daughter" he said making both Y/n and Hailey scoff

Y/n: "You don't care about anyone but yourself. We have people who care for us and we care for each other so you can keep you fake love to yourself

Silas: "How dare you" he said talking a step forwards making them do the same but as soon as they did he took one back

Hailey: "What do you want here" she said and walked up next to Y/n "You need a loan. A new whore to call a wife" she said and Y/n looked at her shocked

Silas: "I want my pack back and I want to rule as alpha" he said and they all just scoffed and held back a laugh "Either that or I leave with Gigi" he said and Y/n let out a vicious growl that shook the earth below

Y/n: "Over my dead body" she said and Fai took a step forward

Fai: "Well that can be arranged" he said and took a step forward

Hailey: "One more step and your wind pipe will break before your brain even processes whats gonna happen to you" she said and he put his hand up in surrender

Silas: "I didn't come to fight" he said and looked at us somewhat innocently "I basically came to take what was mine in the first place" he said standing in a military stance waiting for judgment to be made

Y/n: "Do you have a death wish or something" she said and Silas just looked at her amused

Silas: "You have no idea what I want little pup" he said with a smile "And you have no idea what you have" he said looking over to Gigi, "Do you know how strong her pups would be no matter the father" he said and the anger in Y/n grew 


A chapter done just for you guys sorry for the slow updates for tthis book but inspiration is running low and school is running me up the wall, Anyway hope you guys enjoyed the chapter 

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