The War Plan (Part 4)

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The girls have been training me non stop the last few days and there was still no word from Gi and both my wolf and I was starting to worry but the girls kept reassuring me that she was fine and when I tried leaving they tackle me to the ground and forcefully changed my mind 

For all we knew the war could happen at any moment but we kept our ground and took each day as it came and right now things are looking up. The pack warriors are on their A game and they are ready to defend and so am I, according to the girls

The bond with Gigi has been growing weaker and I couldn't help but feel like some things wrong and that something bad is gonna happen

I walked out of my room and down to the training grounds to see that everyone has taken a break and is just talking and having a laugh

I walked over to Bella and Hailey and everyone immediately woke up from the ground and looked at me with a rigid stance

Y/n: "I know that we have no idea when the war will begin but know that when it does I will be fighting along side you all and no one will take our home away from us" I said and they all cheered

"Is it true that the person leading the other pack is your father?" One of the warriors asked making me look at him and nodded

Y/n: "He wants the pack under his control once more but his not the man he was before" I said and they all look at each other

Hailey: "He kept me as his prisoner for years and killed my mother" she said making them all gasp

They knew she was his daughter cause of the alpha power that radiated of her and the alpha blood in her veins made her one of the strongest fighters in the pack

"Alpha Y/n the patrollers have witnessed movement in the distance heading towards the village" one of the warriors said running towards me

Bella: "Keep an eye on the approaching targets one wrong move and you are ordered to kill them" she said and I nodded my agreement

Y/n: "I want you all to get into your positions and keep a close eye on the edge of each side of the territory" I said and they all dispearsed into the woods and I turned to Bella and Hailey

Bella: "His here" she said sniffing the air "And his not alone" she said and we all took off to each side of the territory

Bella wet down South, Hailey went to the West and I went up North to meet my father. On my way there I notice my brothers pack come up on the East

I reach the North and noticed my Father waiting there on a white horse. I was expecting a pumpkin carriage and three mice...oh well

Y/n: "Why now" I said looking at him "After all this time why do u want this pack" I asked again but he did answer me, "What made you think that they would even want you back, all you did was knock the to the ground and left me to pick up the pieces" I said and all he did was smirk and get off his horse

Silas: "You still don't get it do you" he said and looked back making me narrow my eyes at the direction he was looking and Gigi walked out making my heart race "By killing you I get the pack and the girl" he said making me growl

I screamed attack through the mind link and the next few minutes all we heard was screaming and the ripping of skin

Y/n: "You will never get her Silas" I said and tried to control my wolf "She is mine and will forever be mine" I said and could heae her heart rate pick up making me smirk 

Silas: "I couldn't be so sure" he said making me growl once more. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to see the girls and the pack warrors along with Alpha Nick and his warriors walk up next to me

Nick: "Well hello father" his eyes wide at the sight of his son making us look at him smirking until he walked back

He walked up to Gigi and grabbed her by the waist and kissed her cheek making my wolf go insane and demand blood, he whispered something in her ear which made her lose all color in her skin

Silas: "Call me what you want but know this my children" he said turning around facing us "I have more then u ever could" and with that he took off into the woods. But what caught my attention was the words I heard next which took me by surprise

Gigi: "ATTACK!"


The war has begun

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