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It had been one heck of a week after I unlocked my powers I have been training with Bella everyday since and I honestly haven't talked to Y/n much after finding out that she is my mate and as of lately she has been busy with Alpha Nick sorting out some sort of treaty between their two packs

Kendall went with Nick a few days ago and is settled in the new pack and is now their luna but something still feels wrong. It feels as if I am missing something something really really big and that can change the lives of everyone in this pack 

Training ended about an hour ago. I had just finished bath and walked down the hall to Y/n office to check on her, she hasn't left that desk since the morning and I'm starting to get bored just walking around this gigantic house. I walked passed her office to get something to drink before I go to wreck her brain

I poured some juice and was walking back when I noticed a frame with a picture of Y/n, Bella, Hailey and myself. I couldn't help but think of all the good memories we had together, but all off that has all been forgotten because of that one mistake hat was made so long ago 

I was standing there for a while now. I felt arms snake around my waist causing sparks to flow through my body and I instantly leaned into their touch

Y/n: "I miss her to" she said placing her head on my shoulder and kiss my neck, I closed my eyes in content and hummed in response

Gigi: "Do you think she will ever come back home" she just shrugged not knowing how to answer my question, "It was not a fair trial Y/n" she gave me an apologetic look, "You of all people should have said something" I said raising my voice and moving away from her 

Y/n: "You know I had no say in the matter" she defended herself, "Even if I said something, which I did." she said walking towards me, "It was taken into consideration what ever that meant" she said "She was my friend, I never wanted to see her get hurt so I did the thing that I thought would have been best for her" my eyes widened 

Gigi:  "She was thrown out of the pack" I said and I could feel the anger rise, "That hurts more than death itself" Y/n started pacing the room as I was talking, "She is dead because you didn't stand up for her" I snapped and she stopped pacing and looked at me wide eyed. I saw the car she was in burst into flames, her eyes never left mine till the car exploded, I lost feeling my legs and felt myself slip but Y/n caught me before I hit the ground

Y/n: "G, calm down take a breathe. Please just calm down" I could feel my body temperature rise and my wolf wanting control, but I fought to stay in control

Bella rushed in the room and asked what was going on next thing I knew I was consumed by the darkness, There was a flash of white light and all of a sudden I was on a bridge watching the sunset

Selene: "Hello my beautiful child" she said walking up next to me

Gigi: "You always did like a sunset" I said making her laugh and look at the horizon 

Selene: "I see you haven't changed much" she said and couldn't help but smile as I watched the sunset, "You have unlocked your powers and it is now time to stand and defend your kind" she said making me look at her confused

Gigi: "At least I know I'm not crazy" I said and she looked at me confused by what was just said "All these years I heard you bu not once have I seen you, I thought Nora was playing with my head" I said and she couldn't help but chuckle at what I had just said

Selene: "I promised you when you found your mate you would be able to unlock you powers, that way you would have someone to help you with your tasks" she said and I shook my head by instinct 

Behind her angel eyes... A Gigi and Y/n StoryWhere stories live. Discover now