New Allies (Part 5)

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Next thing my wolf went crazy and I could not control my heart beat, my palms for the first time were sweating and my nose was ambushed by the sweetest of smells that made my wolf go more crazy I looked up to the thing that caused of all my internal crazy, the next mord that left my mouth even took me by surprise

Y/n: "MINE!"


I was about to say something but I took a step back. Even though she wore old clothes and not some fancy dress she looked flawless as always. Wait, why am I panicking so much I don't ever panic this much, I have never in my entire life and I don't like it, I don't like it one bit

Kendall: "I knew it" she said to Bella who couldn't believe what was happening

My reflexes acted fast as I grabbed an arrow that flew right towards my head , I noticed walls going up all around Gigi and I. All of a sudden Kendall and Bella was out of sight

Bella: "Y/n you know I hate putting my sister in danger but you two need to talk, you guys can't keep avoiding each other. G you need to unlock your power, cause that's the only way out of there" my eyes widened and soon confusion took over her features which made her look even more beautiful, NOT the time Y/n

Gigi: "Why does everyone keep talking about destiny and power and me having something special" I mind linked Bells in that moment and she told me exactly what needed to be done and since I'm the alpha and her mate I need to help her help us

Y/n: "You know I wouldn't do anything to hurt you unless there was a meaning behind it" and with that my eyes started to change to the color red but I didn't shift, she looked at me worried

I took a step forward and she moved doing the opposite of my actions, I hesitantly swung but luckily she dodged it, I kicked her leg causing her to fall on her back 'You need to make her angry, try talking to her that always mad her angry' Bella said through the link, okay that kind off hurt a little, the only time she got angry was when I...oh no

I was cut off from my thoughts when I was punched into the wall. She is gonna kill me for this and hen I'm gonna haunt Bell for making me do this

Y/n: "Hey you remember Ariana right" I'm already regretting this "She was actually teaching me some moves the other night and I was wondering if you think Kerina was ready to take the next step" her eyes flashed red then gold but returned to blue instantly as if something was blocking the change. I pushed her into the wall and threw her across to the other end of the clossed off space, "I mean I asked her last night but she said maybe in a week or so she would be ready. Which reminds me, it is okay to tease before someone is ready cause I was doing that yesterday and she was enjoying it, so I just wanted to ask if-" I was cut off by her ramming me into the wall

'I said make her angry not want to kill you, cause she can and you won't be able to handle her when she is in that state' Bella said through the link which was getting annoying cause it was distracting, I looked over to Gigi whose eyes were pure red and filled with anger 'Trust me I got this she will be fine' I said and internally groaned as her fist came in contact with my face


My body was getting heated and Y/n is not helping my situation every time she spoke I felt my mind start to lose control but I fought to stay in control but Nora was fighting harder to take control

Y/n: "One more thing" she grabbed my hand and came down to my ear and whispered, "Ariana was a really good teacher" that was it, I felt myself lose control and all I saw was red, I felt the surge of energy coursing through my body and I lost all control, next thing I knew Y/n was against the wall and I was the one holding her there

Y/n: "G you can control it, it's your mind and I know that you can do this" I could hear her but I couldn't take control of my body, it was like I was a passenger in my own body . My hand moved up to her neck and held her in place

Nora: "Can she do this" Nora had control? She bent down and placed a kiss on Y/n's neck which made her moan and my eyes widen she continued to kiss her neck and I could feel the surge of energy again

Nora let go of Y/n and gave me control but the surge of energy only grew more powerful 'This is your destiny to save them all even when they do not ask for the help it is our duty to act it is a gift given to you by the moon Goddess, a gift to protect all who threaten you and you kind' Nora said to me 'Now and forever, may we never part each other but only the good from the evil' I replied to her and noticed the proud smile on Y/n's face


I couldn't help but smile at the fact that she can finally be her and not hide herself, next thing I knew her entire body lit up and she was lifted up a few feet of the ground and she returned down on her knees with her eyes closed and as soon as she opened it a golden crown was on a shield in the center of her eyes which were currently glowing red but she closed it once more

My eyes widened at the beauty before me and I couldn't keep my eyes off her. she got to her feet and her opened her eyes and looked me dead in the eyes and I couldn't help but smile and walk over to her before I knew it my head turned to the side and I felt a sting on my right cheek

Y/n: "I'm sure you don't wanna do that" I said grabbing her hand before she could hit me again and of course she would try it with her other hand but I caught that hand to and pulled her into me. I kept eye contact with her and started to lean in but she slid me as I got closer, I landed on my back and she took a step back with a smirk on her face

Y/n: "Okay I deserved that" I woke up from the ground and walked towards her again but this time my hands where up as if i was surrendering, she closed her eyes as I got close enough, "You never really answered my question" I pushed her against the wall and filled the gap in between us and kissed her neck up till her ear

Y/n: "Is it okay to tease" I whispered and kissed down her neck and to her other ear, "Cause I really don't want my mate to kick me in the middle of the moment" I felt her breathing fasten as soon as I said mate

Gigi: "What about your girlfriend" I moved away from her and narrowed my eyes

Y/n: "I don't have one" she glared at me and was about to say something but I cut her off, "I only said Kerina was my girlfriend because I knew the girls were gonna ask way to many questions" she couldn't hold back the smile that played on her lips, "And I really don't mind if you-" I was cut off by the walls coming down which made me grab Gigi and pulled her close to me

Bella: "Please keep the image in my head about my sister clean" I pulled away as soon as I heard her voice and felt heat rush to my face

Kendall: "OMG! someone mark the date on the calendar cause Y/n just blushed" she said earning a glare from me and making Gigi and Bella laugh behind me which made me look down and rub the back of my neck

Y/n: "Funny" I said glaring at kenny "What was all this for anyway" I said and looked at Bella

Gigi: "Wait! You did all of this without knowing what could happen to you" she said and hit my shoulder, "Y/n I could have killed you" my eyes widened at I turned to Bella

Y/n: "Wait you where serious about that" Bella looked and me and then we both started laughing, "I knew what I was getting myself into" I said after getting another shot from Gigi. We were walking back to the house when ken came next to me

Kendall: "You had no idea did you" she said and I shook my head and put my finger on my lip and she nodded




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