The Truth Beneath The Lies (Part 1)

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We have been friends for a really long time the moment she changed I should have noticed it I should have been the one, the only other reason could be that something in her changed when I was gone. What if this was all my doing. I looked over too Y/n but she just focused on the gate that she walked out of leaving us here alone and in pain. We need to stop her and I need Gigi's help to do it 

Hailey: "When did she unlock her powers" I asked Y/n but she just looked at me confused 

Y/n: "How did you know that she unlocked her powers" It is actually pretty obvious actually cause Y/n is the strongest Alpha and she is sitting in a chair tied up in a cell, doesn't take a rocket scientist "How did you know she even had powers?" she said and narrowed her eyes at me 

Hailey: "Well you tied up down here aren't you?" I said an shrugged "And as for how I know about her powers. Her mom told me about it one day when I lashed out on her, it was bad we ended up shifting and I saw her wolf" I said and Y/n looked at me wide eyed 

Y/n: "I haven't seen her wolf" she said looking back at the gate "I never got her to that point of shifting, no one could" she said with confusion evident in her voice

Hailey: "That's because after that day she trained herself. she hated what she was when she shifted" I said remembering all the things we used to spend hours talking about "she slowly started to accept her wolf after I told all those stories of the wolf mistress" I said and Y/n eyes widened 

Y/n: "The wolf mistress is a legend why would you tell her about that" she said and now it was my turn to look at her with confusion "Those were just stories my mom used to tell me when she put me to bed" she said and tried to cut the ropes with her claws but only to get burnt trying 

Hailey: "You still don't get it do" she looked at me funny and I couldn't help but laugh "You, the one who was around her the most, plus being her mate, have no clue what is going on around you" I said and let out a small laugh but she just looked at me more confused then before

Gigi: "Well she can be clueless sometimes" she said appearing by the gate, "Your father is smarter then I thought" she said making me look at her and laugh 

Hailey: "Stepfather and what did you think he was the looks in front of the brains" I said and she shrugged, "As for her" I said gesturing to the alpha next to me, "She was always clueless, and right now she still is" she walked into the cell and walked up to Y/n

Gigi: "Guess I won since I got what I wanted" she said and let out a small chuckle and walked over to me, placing a small blade in my hand "You can start now but wait for my signal" she said and looked over to Y/n "Leave her here, it would be an incentive to get me back here" she said making me nod "Let him have a sense of leverage for now, he can decide what he wants to do with her" she said an walked out the cell closing the gate behind her 

Y/n: "I am so confused right now" she said and I just rolled my eyes "I'll explain later" Gigi was alot of thing but she was not a traitor. She could do it for fun but never against her people





I know you must hate me by now but so far I think we doing a good job. When I first knocked out Hailey and question her she told me everything, from why she was exiled to what her father was planning 'I think if someone calls that idiot her father one more time she will rip their head off' Nora said making me laugh at how true Hailey hatred for her stepfather was 'She only knew him for a few years and she hates him as if she knew him all her life' I said to her through my thoughts 

I walked passed my room at the pack house and found Bella sitting on my bed and by the expression on her face she seemed pissed and I think I knew the reason but I really didn't want to drag her into all of this or else Hails will kill me and then all of this would have been for nothing

Bella: "You are late" she said with her arm folded "Explain" she raised a challenging eyebrow "Where the hell where you Jelena" she said. Okay so she is really pissed cause she just used my full name

 Gigi: "Relax, I just went to have some lunch" she raised both of her evenly shaped eyebrows at me "I would have brought for you but I saw you eating before I left" I said and sat next to her, "I know you worried about Y/n and Hailey but trust me when I say that they are 100% fine" she looked at me confused 

Bella: "How are you calm about all of this" she said and I looked down at the floor and then back at her 

Gigi: "Well have you met Hailey" said and raised an eyebrow at her, "She has a mouth that can get her out of any kind of drama" I said and we both let out a small laugh, "As for Y/n" my smile turned into a frown but I looked up at Bella with a soft smile "She is the strongest Alpha I know. She will be fine" I said hoping I was right 

 Bella: "Have you guys talked about it yet, you know being mates and all" she asked and I just shook my head and looked at the floor, "You going to have to accept it someday" what made her think I would do anything otherwise

Gigi: "If you worried I'm going to reject her, then you are worrying for the wrong reason" at this point I'm hoping she doesn't reject me, "I would never put her through something like that" I said brushing my hair back with my hand 

Bella: "Are you sure their going to be fine" she said and looked at me with soft eyes which I returned with a soft smile

Gigi: "They are going to be more then fine"...I hope


"BRING HER TO ME NOW!!!" his voice boomed across the room making every guard in that place flinch, one of the guards left instantly to go and fetch Y/n from the cell so they could meet face to face 

Guard: "Get up!" he commanded but Y/n stayed still not listening and just closed her eyes, "What are you deaf or something, I told you to get your ass off that damn chair" he said and walked to the gates "Get up for I'll get someone to assist you" he said and she woke up but stood still

Y/n: "Would the guard with no brains, want to say anything else" she said keeping her eyes closed 

Guard: "Says the one with her hands tied" she didn't retaliate but instead stood completely still, "Move you feet slut" he said and she just moved and walked forward she opened her eyes once she reached the gate and used her quick movements you break the guards neck 

Y/n: "That felt better then I thought it would" she said stretching her arms out, "Easy there I don't want to fight, he just had it coming" she said gesturing to the corps laying at her feet 

Two guards grabbed her hands and took her to the main room where the king of the alliance was, they made sure that she was bound properly as the reached the room, so no more necks could break...well maybe

Y/n: "Let me get this straight you kept me here, to see a guy that's suppose to be here but isn't" she said and let out a small laugh "Anyone else see the logic in this, oh wait there isn't any" she shrugged it off and sat back on a chair

Guard: "Get up from there"he said and the so called king made his way to the thrown in the front of the room, "You stand in front of King Silas Y/l/n" my eyes widened and I lost all felling in my body 

Y/n: "You-" I said and stopped not being able to find the words 

Silas: "Hello my dearest child"


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