The Truth Beneath The Lies (Part 2)

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Guard: "Get up from there"he said and the so called king made his way to the thrown in the front of the room, "You stand in front of King Silas Y/l/n" my eyes widened and I lost all felling in my body

Y/n: "You-" I said and stopped not being able to find the words

Silas: "Hello my dearest child"


I still could not believe the that the person in front of me is truly alive, this cannot be happening. I'm still debating if he's a hollowness an or not.What does he want with me, more importantly what does he think he can get with me

Silas: "Why is your princess bound" he raised his voice making everyone in the room flinch except for me since was is child and heard it all my life I was not affected "Remove them now" he said and they did a told withou a second thought. "I'm sure you have alot of questions for me" h said and I just shook my head  

Y/n:"Not quiet, I was happy to four years and now it turns out my father who I buried I actually alive and well" I said and started to pace the large room w were standing in "After which you turned my mate against me, and the I find out you had an affair with my mother with the woman wh gav birth to my bestfriend" with everything going through my head those we're the most important for this moment in time "What did you say to Gigi to get her to side with you anyway" I glared at him as I rubbed my now free wrist 

Silas: "Trust me when I say she has more freedom of her choices then you do" he said and I laughed, "And what may I ask do you find so funny" he said folding his arms a h sat back on his throne

Y/n: "Well that's the most honest thing you have ever said to me" he looked at me confused "With you as a father I don't think anyone of your offsprings would have even known of the word freedom" I said earning a glare from him "She would never turn her back on her family and friends that easily" I said and he let out a dangerous laugh and by dangerous I mean dangerous to your ears, is was so squeaky your ears would have slapped you for just standing there and listening to it

Silas: "You can ask her yourself when you get back home" he said and I looked at him confused, "Oh don't worry you are going back home" he said and let out a chuckle, thank Goddess, "You going to go back home to tell them you are choosing to step down as Alpha and that you think it would be best to give me back control of the pack" he said taking me by surprise with that offer

Y/n: "You must really be a fool if you think that I will do that" I said and he glared at me "Why would I do anything you tell me to" I said and he cocked his head up with a smirk sealed on his face 

Silas: "Because you love that pack" he said and I looked at him confused, "And if you don't I will make you watch as I burn it to the ground along with everybody you love and care about" anger took over my internal body and my wolf was going nuts but I showed no emotion on the sureface

Y/n: "They are the strongest pack" I said and woke up from my seat and I noticed as each guard took a step forward "If they die, they will make it their life's work that they go down with a fight before having to serve under your rules" I said keeping my composure, "As for your guards" I said and took another step forward "The ones in this room will fall at my feet, dead" I said and a low animalistic growl escaped me 

Silas: "You are free to leave" he said, the guards were confused and worried at the same time, "Tell you beautiful mate to meet me in our area tonight, I look forward to spending the night with her again she can be cheeky when she want to" he said and my eyes widened. Y/w/n took control and slit the throat of the guards closest to me 

Y/n: "I will end you and then I will place your head on that the on an hang your body fro that  chandelier" I said still facing the opposite direction, another growl escaped me which caused the guards to move as I walked out the room and made my way home


News came that Y/n was let go and I knew as soon as she came I was dead. But in all fairness she doesn't know what's really going on and it was Bella that told us it would be to personal for her to know everything

Bella: "She will be here any minute now" she said and a loud growl bounced off the walls which caused the entire house to shake, "Crap, she's her and  she's pissed" she said said making them look at each other in a panic while I just rolled my eyes at Bella, who was getting better at stating the obvious

Gigi: "Did you think she was going to come home skipping and singing happy songs" I said and she started to walk to the door but stopped when she almost walked into angry beast herself

Bella: "Go to your room now" she said and with that said I used my supernatural speed to go to my room. As soon as I entered the room the door was closed and locked instantly and I was pushed against the wall...let's just say brutality is not what you want from Y/n right now

Y/n: "You slept with him" I was still a bit out of it from being slammed against the wall and I didn't respond which then lead to a loud growl which came from Y/n herself and I just stood still, "That explains so much about why we never spoke about us being mates, cause you were to busy screwing that chilli used toy" she said and my eyes widened as soon as I caught up with what she was ranting about

Gigi: "What?!" I said and couldn't hold back a gag, "I would never, ever do that to you Y/n" I said and grabbed her head, "His just saying that to get into your head" I said and brought her head to mine 

Y/N: "Don't lie to me!" she screamed and pushed me away from here, I looked at her wide eyed and her face showed no emotion, "Why should I believe you" she said and my heart sank to my stomach at the thought of my mate not trusting me. I walked I've to the balcony side to get closer to Y/n but sh just moved to the other side of the room

Hailey: "Then trust me" she said giving me the shock of my life "The door was locked so I used the the balcony" she said pointing to the back of her and I glared at her holding my chest 

Y/n: "What makes you thing I would even listen to you" she said and glared at Hailey "You left me in the cellalone with no way out" she said and Hailey's eyes softened and Y/n was getting angrier my the minute

Hailey: "If I haven't left you there then you would have never known that your asshat of a father was alive, well, and a pain in my ass" she said and Y/n was not pleased but her features did soften a little so that was a good sign

Y/n: "I am your alpha and you will not speak to me in that manner ever again" she said and Hails started laughing which mad me look at her confused. She grabbed her stomach trying to calm herself down and contain her laughter

Hailey: "Oh you still don't get it do you" she said and I looked at her shocked, I have never seen her like this before, so care free and optimistic in a serious moment when Y/n was angry or even maybe pissed "I'm not part of this pack anymore" she said looking at Y/n who stared back at her blankly

That's right though, she isn't part of this pack because one, she was kicked out and two, plus the fact that she was staying with Silas means she is heir to his thrown, so she isn't a rouge either, she has a pack, a kingdom...well future kingdom

Gigi: "Let us explain" I said and Y/n looked at me with no emotion evident in her eyes which made my heart ache even more, knowing that I had to start over with her made me nervous but the fact that she could reject me, that terrified the hell out of me

Y/n: "And what exactly needs to be explained" she asked and soon after my door flung open with Bella standing there

Bella: "The plan we made without you" she said making both Hails and I sigh in relief, finally no more secrets, happily ever after here we come...I hope


If you guys are confused about anything comment and I will answers them for you

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter


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