The War Plan (Part 3)

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Its been weeks since I left and Silas has been pushing me further and further over the edge. He puts me against the strongest of his warriors and only the ones that 'survive' will be in the war, he had no mercy with his warriors and unfortunately I have no choice but to do what he says, to an extent

Silas: "That was disgraceful" he screamed from his throne "How do you expect to save your family if you can't save yourself" he said to the young teenager "Get out before I kill you myself" he commanded and the young boy did as he was told. I could help but glare at the hypocrite in front of me "What are you looking at?" he snarled at me

Gigi: "I can't say, if it's a guy whose a dick or a guy without one" I said making him growled at me, I turned away from him and headed to the next warrior who was trying not to laugh at the comment I just made "So what's the plan Silas" I said looking back at him when he sat back on his chair

SIlas: "The first attack with be on the North side" he said with a smirk on his face "Most of her warriors will try to eliminate them first leaving the south side unattended" he said leaning forward "Now, fight!" he yelled and his warrior came running towards me but I flipped him on his back instantly, not leaving time for him to get up I kicked him on the side of his head leaving him unconscience

Gigi: "What makes you think that Y/n will leave the South side of her territory unattended?" I asked and he just looked at me with wonder in his eyes "She isn't a kid anymore Silas" I said and he woke up from his chair and started to walk towards me "She was able to control the pack from the age of 15" I said and started walking back when he started walking forward "And she was a better alpha then you ever was" I said and next thing I knew I was slammed against the wall

Silas: "I could kill you" he said with a hand wrapped around my neck "But since I cannot" he let me go and took a deep breathe before moving back a few steps "I sincerely hope that you have seen enough of your mate" he said and my eyes widened "Because The next time you would see her is on the battlefield" he was now smirking as he got the reaction he had wanted "As for my plan, thank you for you input it will be taken under consideration"" he said and gestured for one of the guards to take me to my room

Once I reached my room I shut the door behind me and letting out a frustrated sigh as I started pacing the room. He could be Lucifer himself the way he treats his pack, he makes himself look like a king when his the furthest thing from it

He hasn't let me out of sight from the time I arrived a few weeks back and he refused to let me go back home to see my family. The bond between Y/n and I wasn't as strong as it was when I left but thankfully I can still feel it. My thoughts were interrupted by a soft knock on my door 

Gigi: "Who is it!" I screamed from where I was standing, not wanting to open the door I walked over to the window and I at the city when I heard the door open 

James: "Silas has requested for you" he said walking up next to me and followed my gaze out the window "Beautiful isn't it?" he said with admiration. His gaze never left the view of the city below 

Gigi: "It is" I said and turned to him "How did Silas even get his hands on this place" I said and the smile James had on his face dropped as soon as he heard my question "I meant this pack could have had someone who wanted to protect them and care for them" I said and he nodded 

James: "We did" he said and I looked at him confused "This pack used to be filled of laughter and the sounds of children playing on the streets" he said and looked back out then at me "It changed when there was a massive rogue attack that was lead by Silas" he said and clenched his fists 

Gigi: "He killed your alpha and took the place?" I asked seeing as he didn't want to talk about what happened, that and I was afraid if he got angry he would have shifted and messed up my room which was the last thing I need, plus I just cleaned it this morning 

James: "Along with many women and children" my eyes widened at the thought of many dead women and children "I best be leaving before I get into more trouble" he said and headed for the door 

Gigi: "Hey" I said making him turn and look at me "If he requested can decline" he smiled at my response but shook his head "I would recommend not to go against him, princess" he said and walked out the room closing the door behind him...princess?  


After I walked out of the room closing the door, I couldn't help but smile at the of how much things have changed and then I remember the fact that, that bastard is playing with fire. I hope he knows that this pack with never be under his control. I just hope my sister comes up with a plan and I hope she does it fast 


Y/n: "No! It's been weeks, I'm going after her" I said making Bella and Hailey shake their head "I am not asking now move" I said using the alpha command but they didn't move, but I noticed their body stiffen which meant they were fighting it

Bella: "You can't leave or the plans we made, her going there would have been for nothing" she said and planted her feet to the ground 

Hailey: "You need to trust the plan Y/n" she said and I shook my head. They looked at each other then back at me, I narrowed my eyes at them and next thing I new I was on the ground

Y/n: "Fine!" I screamed "I won't go!" I said trying to stop them from tickling me more "I promise I won't" and that's all it took for me to get them off me

Hailey: "Good now" she said as both of them got off me "Get of that ass cause we have some tough training to do" she said making me chuckle as I got off the ground

Bella: "There you go one leg at a time you can do it" she said as I got on my feet making me roll my eyes and look at the two cute couple in front of me

Y/n: "I hope you girls know what you doing" I said and walked up to them 

Bella: "You need to work on building your strength" she said folding her arms "Plus we got this under control, trust us" she said making me nod and look at them 

Y/n: "So whose training me?" I said and they both looked at each other smirking making me gulp


Hey guys so I know I'm late with update but school as been a pain in my ass and as of lately I have been having a hard time just sitting and writing so if you guys have any tips for me it would be much appreciated...also updates will be slow but I will try my best to update at least once a week...

Who do you think is James? Is he a good guy or a bad guy?

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