The Truth Beneath The Lies (Part 3)

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Gigi: "Let us explain" I said and Y/n looked at me with no emotion evident in her eyes which made my heart ache even more

Y/n: "And what exactly needs to be explained" she asked and my door opened

Bella: "The plan we made without you" she said making both Hails and I sigh in relief, finally no more secrets



Y/n: "What plan" I can't believe what I'm hearing right now. This has to be joke, it has to be, it is a joke they are not doing this right now, they would not do this to me

Bella: "I knew your father was a sore topic and didn't want to say anything until we knew for sure" she said and my heart sank to my stomach "It was just a rumor. No one knew for sure so we decided that one of us should go"

Gigi: "We didn't know how you would react to the news so-" I cut her off by finishing her sentence making her look at me not knowing what to do next

Y/n: "So you thought it would be better for me to find out for myself" I still can't believe they are going all of this to me right now "So you guys knew that she was alive the entire time" I said looking over to Hails

Hailey: "No, they didn't know about that. Gigi only went undercover two days ago. Plus you needed to see for yourself that he is building an army" she said and I looked at her blankly, "It's better than taking someones word for it, especially when it's from someone you have never met before " okay the second part made sense to me

Y/n: "Okay, but why isn't there a bounty on our heads right now" I asked and Bella and Hails excused themselves from the room, "Why did they" I turned to see my mate sitting on the bed with her head in her hands

Gigi: "I agreed to do whatever he wanted me to do" she said and I felt my insides start to burn, "In return he leaves you and the pack alone" I could see her holding back the tears that were fighting to run down her face, key word trying

Y/n: "You can't" I said and I walked over to her and crouched down in front of her, "I know we haven't been us lately but you are still my mate and I'm not letting him have you" I said and she looked at me with love and lust filled in her eyes...wait lust

Gigi: "Bella has a plan to defeat him,well not defeat him but it would weaken him and that' s no the point the point is that she needed someone on the inside" she said and I shook my head not wanting her to go "And I stepped forward" A low growl escaped me with took her by surprise

Y/n: "Why can't it be Hailey" I said waking up and pacing the room. She woke up and and stood in front of me after a while stopping me

Gigi: "One, if you keep on pacing like that me an you both are gonna get dizzy" she said making me laugh a little, "Two, it can't be Hails cause he doesn't trust her as much as he trusts me" she said and I felt my jaw tighten, "And three, I can take care of myself and if he does something stupid, Bells will bring forward the plan" she said as soon as she did I involuntarily let out an animalistic growl at the thought of him laying a hand on her

Y/n: "And what pray tell are you going to do when he anticipates every move you three plan on making" I said and she looked at me as if it was a dumb ass question

Gigi: "Do you really think Bella will send me there without backup" she said making me smile knowing how protective the little sister is when it comes to her sister. I could help but frown at the though of something going wrong came to mind, "Hey, I'm going to be fine okay" she said

I pulled her close to me making sure there was not gap between us. I hid my face in her neck taking in her sweet scent and felt myself calm down instantly, her hand moved around my neck and my grip on her waist tightened by instinct. We stood like that for a while not wanting to let go of her.

Y/n: "Promise me if anything happens you would mind-link me first" she looked at me as if she was conflicted "I'm serious Gi, is anything even seems out of place you alert me and I will murd-" I was cut off by her smashing her lips against mine

I was shocked at first but then kissed back instantly, wrapping my tighter around her waist, her hands moved to my hair getting tangled in them and pulling back slightly making a low growl escape my throat, she moved back and chuckled making me look at her and sigh

Gigi: "We need to talk" she said and now I was even more confused, "Y/n we mates" she said made me close my eyes and sigh in content at the fact that she is accepting the bond

Y/n: "At least I know that you are accept the bond" I said and her eyes widened "It's just that you have been so distant recently that I thought that you was going to-" I was cut off by her kissing me, again.

Gigi: "I would never do that to you" she said pulling away "You've known me all my life do you really think I would do something that terrible to you" she said. At this point I really don't know what she's capable of right now

Y/n: "Right now" I just shook my head not wanting to say anything else. She looked at me and let out a sigh, "You did think I should have know that my father was alive" I said walking towards the door "If ou don't trust me how am I gonna trust you" I said and her eyes widened she opened her mouth and closed it again


Gigi: "It had nothing to do with trust you know" I said making her stop and shut the door and walked over to the sliding door and shut that as well. She walked over to me and stood still in front of me "What are you doing" I asked her but she said nothing

She sat next to me and held my hand but said nothing, eventually she let out a breath I didn't know she was even holding

Y/n: "You need to go to him" she said I looked at her waiting for her to start laughing cause this had to be a joke "He needs you in order to take over the pack" okay this is becoming a sick joke

Gigi: "Noway in hell" I said and she looked at me stunned, "That's what you thought I went there to do even after all we spoke about" I said and she just sat there looking at the floor

Y/n: "Well, it's either you leave or I bow out without the fight" I looked at her as if she had stuck an arrow in my stomach, next thing I knew I was consumed by the darkness

Behind her angel eyes... A Gigi and Y/n StoryWhere stories live. Discover now