Lovers And Survivors

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Everything was dark and cold, I was locked in my mind and it was a battle all over again. The last thing I remember was Silas being knocked aside and the rest is a blank space filled with pain


I left for the palace cause I knew he was there, he would never fight against his home especially his sister. He has always kept her safe from the shadows and now he needs to come in the light

I started running to the palace before shifting I striped and held my clothes in my mouth as I ran in wolf form. I need to find him quick before things ecelate to another level

I reached the castle within an hour and he was standing at the gates. He looked like he was xomtimplating whether he wanted to leave or not but see me he ran forward

James: "What the hell are you doing here" he said as I walked out from behind the tree fully clothe "You were suppose to be looking out for our people" I could hear the anger in his voice

Gigi: "Well you have to be there for your sister!" I raised my voice at him "She needs you now more than ever" I said and he just stood there "This isn't a battle James it's a war" he looked me in the eye and I knew he was fighting with his wolf about this 

James: "For so many years I stayed away to keep her safe" he looked down and back at me "She most probably hates me" he said making me shake my head 

Gigi: "How can she hate a person she never knew" he nodded and shifted right in front of me into his large wolf I laughed at his sudden move and did the same as I did before 


By the time we got back the war was almost over and Y/n and Silas was circling each other, I saw a wolf almost claw out my sister's stomach but I pushed him off her just in time. I helped her up and we both lunged at the bastard

The next thing I heard was a thunderous growl and I felt an excruciating pain move cross my stomach I looked down to see there was no blood and that only meant one thing. I shifted back to my human form and ran over to her motionless body and knelt down covering her. James tackled Silas out of the way before he could kill us both 

Bella and I rushed her off the field while the others stayed at took care of the rest of them, I could feel the bond getting weaker and I had no idea how to help her. Once we got her inside I took her to the room where the pack doctor was seeing to her.

At one point he told me to leave so I attempt to kill him every time Y/n was hurting but they advised him otherwise...which may not have been the best idea. After a few hours of watching him I decided to leave the room before I the thirst of blood came back and I ripped open the doctors throat. 

The doctor walked out and told us that she was going to bee fine, the cuts was deep but its healing fast as if her wolf was working ten times faster which meant she is gonna need lost of rest and will not be able to do any physical activity for a while, at that point everyone looked at me smirking making me swear them off and walk into the room

Y/n: "What are you-"

Gigi: "Before you say anything I just want to tell you I had no other choice and that I'm really extremely sorry for everything and that I should have been there cause if I was non of this would have happened-"

Y/n: "Babe slow down" just being called that sent shivers down my spine "I was just wanted to know what are you wearing" she said making me laugh and walk over to her sitting on the chair next to the bed

Gigi: "Well if you must know I'm wearing my mates clothes" she chuckled at my response and just laid back and looked up at the roof, "Whats on your mind?" I asked and she just looked at me 

Y/n: "Where is he?" she asked and I looked at her with soft eyes "That bastard got away didn't he" I nodded confirming her suspicion 

Gigi: "By the time I got to you he was gone" I said and she looked at me questionably 

Y/n: "Wait you didn't knock him off me?" she said an I shook my head "Then who did?"

Gigi: "James" I said and she looked at me wide eyed 

Y/n: "His alive?" she said with tears forming in her eyes 

James: "Yes I am, little sister"


YAY!!! Chapter finally done...sorry for the late updates as of recently school has been driving me crazy the last few days...anyways hope you guys enjoyed the chapter 

Oh and how do you guys feel about having another big brother



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