Was It Worth It

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 (A/n: Y/n is G!p)


I was currently in my room trying to figure out what to do next 'You could say she took off' Nora said trying to aid me for once in a way I would prefer 'Does that mean you agree with me' I asked still wanting to know if I should back down 'Well you can't really argue with logic can you' she replied making a wide smile appear on my face

Goddess what did I do. My mind was flooded with thoughts and I could help but think that I made a bad decision. 'Maybe we should leave and take her with us' I said no Nora in an indecisive tone 'Are you asking me or telling me, cause if you asking the answer is no' she said making me internally roll my eyes 'I can't let them find out about the plan now can I'...there is the help I never wanted

Y/n: "Hey you" she said snapping me out of my thoughts, "You okay you look stressed out the the war isn't even here yet" she said and widened her eye almost expecting me to not know what was happening, "I was hoping Bells told you when explaining why Hailey was here" she said rubbing the back of her head looking all adorable, 'Not the time Gi' Nora said snapping me back to reality

Gigi: "Yeah she told me" I reassured her and she calmed down instantly but I found myself panicking on the inside and Y/n picked up on it...I'm screwed 

Y/N: "Are you okay you seem tense" she said and walked over to me in a slow motion as if she was trying not scare me, which I thought was kinda cute and really sweet but this cannot happen now, there is a reason that I haven't spoken to her and now is certainly not the time 


Gi has been acting weird all morning and Bella told me that she hasn't seen Hailey since last night, it does take a rocket scientist to figure out Gigi knows something and I intend to find out what exactly

Y/n: "You haven't happen to see Hails by any chance" I asked still walking over to her innocently but she started walking backwards and stopped when she almost fell. I caught her by her waist and pulled her to my chest and I found myself getting lost in her eyes 

'Kiss her! What are you waiting for' my wolf said making me internally roll my eyes at her 'Not the task at hand' I said and didn't say a word out loud, we settled into a comfortable silence without changing our positions  

Gigi: "Internal disagreements?" she asked breaking the silence and making me look at her confused, "Your eyes, it turned a dark and deep blue before turning back to the normal, amazing and sexy- I mean" she shut her eyes and shook her head while I just looked at her with a smirk on my face "You know what I meant" she said with her eyes still shut "Now can you put me down" she asked and just looked up at me blankly like a lost kid

Y/n: I bent down and brushed my lip against her ear and down her neck, "Where is Hailey" I said placing small soft kisses on her neck "Tell me now and I will tell Bella you don't know anything of her whereabouts" I said and Gi just hummed in response and didn't say a word  

Gigi: "Nice strategy, but it's not gonna be so easy. I really don't know anything" she said with a sexy smirk playing on her lips "In any case I was trained to stand against assassins, I can handle you, more than you know" without her known what was under her I let go of her and used my supernatural speed to shut the door and lock it 

I looked back at her and she had a shocked smile on her face cause she had thought she was going to land on the floor and not the bed, I let out a small laugh but she just glared at me making me laugh harder than I thought I would at this point. She was about to wake up but I gently pushed her back on the bed and positioned myself above her

Behind her angel eyes... A Gigi and Y/n StoryWhere stories live. Discover now