Betas and Proposals (Part 2)

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We walked outside to the girls setting up the blanket out, we gave them a hand with the blanket and laid out the food before sitting down and digging in. We spent the rest of the day in the garden  and were currently watching the sunset 

Bella: "I still can't believe that Y/n fit all those marshmellows in her mouth" she said looking back at me 

Y/n: "I was a kid unfortunately had really chubby cheeks" I said in a defensive tone making the girls laugh. Gigi laid against me and Bella against Hailey "Today was fun but not over just yet" I said walking up holding out my hand for Gigi who looked at me confused 

Bella: "I got it!" she said looking back at Hailey "I know who the Beta will be" she said makinkg me smile and look at her knowing who she was talking about "You told me a while back know that I would have to leave" she said making close my head and nod

Y/n: "I knew once we defeated my father we would have to send someone to control the pack and I needed someone I could trust" I said and looked over to my sister and sent her a small smile 

Gigi: "Is there any other news tonight?" I could help but let the smile forming on my face out "What's that smile for?" she asked and I extended my hand for her to take and which she did making my smile widen even more but also let lose a whole lot of butterflies in my stomach 

Y/n: "Take my hand and lets find out" I said an she took my hand and looked back her sister who winked at her and the shrug not wanting to let out any information of my plan, we started walkig into the forest and she looked at me almost as nervously as I was feeling "Don't worry love I'm not gonna kill you" I said and she let out a laugh  

Gigi: "Well we both know you could never take me in a fight" she said making me shrug knowing she's probably right...Here we go 

Y/n: "You know, my mom once told me that one day I would kiss someone and know that those are the lips I would want to kiss for the rest of my life" I said and she put her head down as her head turned a light shade of red "I was small back then so I didn't quiet understand what she was saying but since the first time I kissed you I understood it within the second" I said stopping and standing ahead of her bring her hands in mine "And your love has turned my eniter world upside down in the best way possible. After my mom I think I was afraid to love, It scared me, I was the type to like things tht are concrete, like the ocean. Something you could point to and know what it was, but with you I'd rather have bad times with you then good times with someone else, be by your side in the storm than safe and warm by myself. I'd rather have hard times and work through them with you than find someone new" I said and she just looked at me in awe as a tear left her eye making me wipe it away instantly 

Gigi: "What are you saying" she managed to say making me smile and walk with her a little more till may earlier endeavors came to view which made her walk around in awe before tuning back to me. I got down on one knee and reached for her hand holding it in mine, she covered her mouth with her free hand and just looked at me in awe as more tears started to fall from her beautiful eyes 

Y/n: "What I'm saying is that I love you, for all that you are, all that you have been and all you're yet to be" I said and pulled out the ring from my pocket and held it out "I have expressed my love to you and now all I ask is a life time to pro...

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Y/n: "What I'm saying is that I love you, for all that you are, all that you have been and all you're yet to be" I said and pulled out the ring from my pocket and held it out "I have expressed my love to you and now all I ask is a life time to prove them to you every single day of our life as a couple, as Leaders and as future parents" I said sending her a loving smile "Jelena Noura Hadid will you marry me" she pulled me up connecting our lips instantly 

Y/n: "What I'm saying is that I love you, for all that you are, all that you have been and all you're yet to be" I said and pulled out the ring from my pocket and held it out "I have expressed my love to you and now all I ask is a life time to pro...

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Gigi: "Yes of course I will marry you" she said in between kissed making me pull away and slip the ring on her finger and connect our lips once more "I love you" she said into the kiss making me smile into the kiss 

Y/n: "I love you" I wrapped my hands around her waist and and her hands made it's way into my hair making me deepen the kiss hearing a moan escape her lips which drove me a little insane 

Bella: "So I guess she said yes" a voice said from behind me breaking the kiss and Gigi hide her face in my neck for a few seconds before lifting her head and run to her sister "Congratulations" she said tightening her grip on her sister 

Hailey: "Congratulations big sister" Hailey said jumping onto my back making me chuckle and thank her 

Bella: "I guess this means we officially family" she said walking over to me pulling me into a hug as Hailey went to congratulate my future wife...I love the sound of that

After the proposal we headed back to my place to celebrate with alcohol. and some fun conversations until we got down to talking about the pack and what the universe has in store for us next    

Behind her angel eyes... A Gigi and Y/n StoryWhere stories live. Discover now