Unknown Visitors

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I woke up to an empty bed and groaned a little as I moved my hand around the bed making me open my eyes slightly and see the bed empty.

I woke up and walked into the bathroom and turning on the shower sighing in content as the hot water hit my body. I walked out the bath and into the room with nothing but the towel around my body

I looked out the window and had an amazing view of the forest, I changed into a comfortable pair of clothes and walked over to the window and took in the sight in front of me.

'This day could not be any kind of bad' I said to myself 'You did not just say that' my wolf said butting into my thoughts, 'I think it only works the way you thinking of in the movies' I said and turned around when the door swung open 'You were saying'

Gigi: "You know I really hate when my wolf is right" I said and glared at the masked figure "And I think her ego is big enough" I said 

She walked closer, yes she either she's a female or men suddenly have boobs, instinctively I grabbed her hand and flipped her over my shoulder, without waking up she slid me to the floor causing me to land on my ass

I groaned as my body made contact with the floor and as soon as it did I stood up instantly and got back into may fighting position and so did my opponent.

She aimed for my left leg but I dodged it quickly by picking up my leg. She tried again but this time her foot made contact with my side and when i least expected it she stuck the right side of my body 

I glared at the person who was mainly focused on the left rather than the right when attacking, but when it counted she made contact with my right side and it hurt like hell but thanks to me unlocking my power I am able to heal faster than a regular wolf

Her fighting style however is somewhat familiar almost as if I battled her before and I could tell by her movements she was taking it easy on me.

After reality slapped me in the face, I tackled her to the ground and threw her out on the balcony. I flung her over the rail knowing she is strong enough to carry her own body weight, how else could she have gotten so far in this battle, I hooked her hand on the railing so she could be able to pull herself up

I walked into the room waited for her to do so and eventually she did. Landing in a very dramatic way, crouched down on one knee. The mysterious figure that looked up making direct and intense eye contact with me  

Gigi: "Okay bells you can cut it out now, the joke it over" I said and looked over to the mysterious figure who walked over to the entrance of the room and leaned against the large window frame without tasking off their mask making me narrow my eyes at the childish person in front of me 

"Do I really look like Bella"  she said with a bit of concern in her voice, wait I know that voice, my eyes widened at the sound that had just entered my ears

"I mean she has a nice body and everything but I think we stand out in someway, I'd be scared if we didn't I mean she is my-" my mind could still not comprehend what is going on 

Gigi: "How are yo-" I cut her off not able to control the thoughts running through m head. I heard voices in the hall way and Y/n walked into the room not knowing i was here

Y/n: "Hey, I thought you was going to come in through the side do-" she stopped as soon as she made eye contact with me "Gi?! What are you doing here?" she said making me look at her confused "I thought you were going to use the guest bathroom and move into that room at the same time " she said making me narrow my eyes at her 

Gigi: "I live here remember" I said and she looked at me as if common sense slapped her in the face "You the one that actually told me to stay here last night" I looked back at the person in the mask and just shook my head, "You do know you can remove the mask now right, we all know who you are" she did what I said and I guess I didn't wan to believe it till I actually saw it with my own eyes...Hailey is alive

Not know what else to do I left the room without saying another word. As I was walking I bumped into Bella who seemed to have been walking to me since she stopped when she saw me 

Bella: "I've been looking for you everywhere" I stand correct, but I am in no mood to train right now and if I did, I'm pretty sure I would kill someone in the process

Gigi: "So I'm guessing you also know about our little visitor" I said and she narrowed her eyes at me. All of a sudden her eyes turn black and her body started to shiver and I knew those signs...She just found her mate  


I didn't know how to react. Hell I didn't know what I was going to say and honestly I didn't know if I was capable of saying any word

I'm happy that I even used well constructed sentences. She ran out of the room, literally ran out without saying anything else, she didn't even scream at me she just left and my heart dropped to my stomach

Y/n: "She's just has so much on her plate right now Hails and just needs to take in all the new information don't take it personal" she said pulling me into a comforting hug, "It's good that you came, and I'-"

Hailey: "It was not your fault Y/n" I said waving it off "Besides it happened a long time ago" I said and pulled her back into a tight hug "I'm just glad to finally be home" I pulled away from Y/n and soon I was pulled into another bone crushing hug

Bella: "I can't believe you-, how are you-" I pressed our lips together stopping her from saying whatever she was about to say next, she kiss back deeply making moan into the kiss 

Hailey: "I missed you so much" I said hiding my face in her neck taking in her amazing foresty minty kind of scent, "Did you take care of my mate" she let out a shaky chuckle and I whipped away the tears that left her eyes 

Bella: "What are you doing here" she said, I could tell by the look in her eyes she was still trying to compose herself

Hailey: "Y/n called me up and said she has an opening for the beta position so-"

Bella: "So you gonna be the new beta" she said not letting me finish, I looked down admiring the floor "I'm gonna take that as a no, you aren't here from the position" she let out horrifyingly weird laugh making me look at her confused and stopped instantly and looked over at Y/n

Hailey: "What species of a laugh was that cause it wasn't wolfy nor was it humane in any way" I said gesturing to the laugh she just let out, well I hope that was a laugh or else doctors and scientists are going to have loads of fun trying to figure out what that sound was and how it was even capable of released from a body like hers

Bella: "Well since you not here for the position, what exactly are you here for" she asked avoiding my question and thankfully she did cause after getting lost in her eyes and forgot what I actually came her to tell them

Hailey: "I'm here to warn you guys" they looked at me confused and I turned to Y/n "More especially you" I said and her expression changed, I could tell she was trying to hold back a laugh but now she was trying to hold back her anger and the one person who could help her control it perfectly left the room

Y/n: "What are talking about" she said and I shook my head and she tilting her head 

Hailey: "Can we go somewhere more private" she nodded and lead me down the hall and into another room there was a huge desk with a window behind and some paper work on the  desk. There was also a book shelf on the far end of the room against the wall. I had no idea why it was there though, considering Y/n always hated reading books I know that cause I'm the one that got her to pick up one and she just read the back cover  and put it back down. I turned around making eye contact with her to show that I was being serious "Be prepared for a war Y/n" I said and fully turned to face her, "Once they catch up we screwed and MUST be ready to fight back" 


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