A Parent And A Surprise Wedding

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It felt as if my brain had exploded from the news I had just received. My entire body froze as my brain processed what she had said,  I'm going to be a parent and Gigi is going to be the mother....am I sleeping,  is this a dream. Even though I was in shock my wolf was over the moon with the news we had just received. She waved her hands in front of my face snapping me out of my gaze.

Y/n: "Are you sure?" Her smile grew along with mine as soon as she nodded her head, I picked her up and spun her around before placing a kiss on her forehead making me laugh sit back down on the bed "When did you find out?" I asked her.

Gigi: "When you fell into that comma. A few days after I started to feel sick and went to the pack doctor and she told me" she said gushing a little at the end making me smile and feel content with how happy she is "But she didn't tell me whether its a girl or boy yet,  she said it would be better if we find out on that day and I agreed cause I dont want to know,  I want it to be a surprise"She said making me nod and pull her towards me.

Y/n:"Anything you want baby"I mumbled placing a small kiss on her clothed stomach"We're having a little Gigi"I mumbled making her blush and look away from me.

Gigi:"Shut up"She mumbled making me laugh and pull her closer to me.

Y/n:"I love you"I muttered making her grin and peck my lips.

Gigi:"I love you too babe"She said making me smile and connect our lips for a sweet and gentle kiss. She pulled her face away and looked at me carefully with a smile lingering on her face.

Y/n:"What?"I asked rubbing small circles on her back.

Gigi:"I want to marry you....tomorrow"She said making me go into another state of shock. I starred at her wide eyed making her bite her lip nervously"D-do you not want to marry me?"She asked making me snap out of it.

Y/n:"What? Dont be ridiculous....of course I want to"I said making her tense form relax"Dont you want to plan it out tho and invite some family from-"

Gigi:"No, I just want you there and our friends....thats all I care about right now"She mumbled looking at me"I've wasted to much time already with everything thats happened and I dont want to waste time with this...."She said making me nod.

Y/n:"Okay, whatever you want"I said smiling at her. She grinned and pulled me closer connecting our lips for another kiss. I groaned and licked her bottom lip asking for entrance making her pull away and smirk.

Gigi:"Sorry baby, but I have to go plan a wedding"She said getting up from my lap and walking away making me groan.

Y/n:"Tease!"I yelled hearing a laugh making me smile and lay back on the bed"I'm getting married...and I'm going to be a parent....fuck"I said rubbing my eyes.

*Skip To The Next Day.

Hailey:"You're getting married today...you ready?"She asked walking inside the room in her dress. I chuckled and adjusted my shirt a little before buttoning it.

Y/n:"I am, but I am a little nervous....what if she second guesses it"I said making Hailey laugh and sit on my bed.

Hailey:"You already made her pregnant...its to late to back out"She said making me flip her off and sit down, putting my shoes on"But, I am really happy for you....you're finally living life"She said making me tie my shoe laces and smile at her.

Y/n:"I know right, I'm not in a comma, dying, healing, almost killing someone, someone almost killing....life is really looking good"I joked making her laugh and shake her head.

Hailey:"All true statements, but I'm serious. These few months have been hectic and world-wind of emotions...I'm just glad you're still here"She said making me stand up and look at my sister.

Behind her angel eyes... A Gigi and Y/n StoryWhere stories live. Discover now