Betas and Proposals (Part 3)

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(She did the plank like a pro...I would have caved within the min)


Gigi: "So who did you choose to fill the Beta position" Bella looked over to me which made her sister do the same "What?" she said turning to me as I nervously cleared my throat "What are you guys not telling me" she said and I looked back over to her sister 

Bella: "Well, sis...we spoke about this before and made a choice seeing as he knows as much as he does and we all trust him and the fact that he is already known to the pack" she said making the blonde Hadid look over at us with a questioning look 

Hailey: "He wouldn't be in the field rather your protector and someone who can help out Y/n in the pack house and with the training and paperwork" she said trying to help us ease the name out "And it works cause he is skillful when it comes to fight our kind even though he isn't one of us"she said and Gig raised a challenging brow making me gulp

Y/n: "It's Zayn" I said and she looked at us shocked "Babe? You alive" I said looking at her frozen in place, the girls took a step back when she blinked and it was a good idea unfortunately one I hadn't thought of cause she punched me so hard that I flew against the wall "Ow" I managed to let out

Hailey: "Y/n" she ran over to me and helped me up making sure I was okay "I thought I said step back out loud" she said innocently making me shake my head as I got to my knees

Bella: "It's not as bad as you are thinking" she said making her sister's heavy breathing calm itself

Gigi: "Oh yeah what's could go wrong with my ex and my mate living under one roof" she said and Bella's eyes widened and she looked over at me "Summer holidays just started so I have to catch up with the work we have missed, excuse me" she said and walked out of the room as I tried to keep myself composed

Bella: "Well that could have gone worse" she said shrugging and looking over to me making me roll my eye and walk up to my office with them following behind me, we walked into my office and Bella left Hailey with me and went to check on her sister

Hailey: "You know she was right it could have gone worse" she said making me look at her and raise a brow "She could have thrown you through the wall" she said making me groan as I sat back in my chair

Y/n: "I don't get why she is so upset, I mean I know that they have dated but we all are best friends and he can handle himself" I said and she gave me a questioning look almost as if she wanted to ask me something "What is it?" I asked making her take a seat on the chair in front of my desk 

Hailey: "How can you guarantee his safety?" she asked, I let out a heavy sigh and looked at her leaning on my desk brushing my hands over my face 

Y/n: "Zayn is a vampire"


Bella: "How long has it been" she said making me stare down at my hands "How long have you known" she asked almost in disbelief

Gigi: "A few weeks" I said and she smacked my hand "Ow! What the hell" I said and she looked at me in both shock and disbelief

Bella: "You kept this from me for weeks" she said a little to loud making me hush her "Y/n doesn't know" she said and her eyes went wider which I didn't think was even possible at this point "How could you not tell her. This is something she needs to know about" she said making me nod

Gigi: "Well she has been unconscious for a while and with everything that was going on with her father I didn't want to add any pressure and I knew if she knew she would have made me stay away from it all and if I did stay away she would be dead right now, so I made the right call" I said in one go making my sister pull me into a hug to try and calm me down 

Bella: "Yes you did but you could have gotten hurt or worse and Y/n would have never forgiven herself" she said making me nod and pull away "But, with our pas and everything we  have been through. I know for a fact you are more than capable of doing whatever you set your mind on" she said making me send her a soft smile which she returned before we heard a knock on the door 

Gigi: "Come in" I said and Y/n walked in making Bella wake up and nod at me basically screaming at me to tell her what's going on "I will" I said as my sister walked out the room making Y/n look at me confused 

Y/n: "Is everything okay?" she asked gesturing to the exchange that just took place between my sister and I

Gigi: "We need to talk" I said and she nodded and walked over to me sitting next to me facing forward "I'm guessing you have something to tell me" she nodded taking a deep breathe  

Y/n: "About Zayn" she said and I shook my head but she stopped me before saying anything "No, let em finish. Please" she said making me nod "I know that you are worried about him and his safety but you don't have to" she said making me narrow my eyes in confusion "You don't have you because he is a....Vampire" she said and I looked at her and let out a sigh filled with relief "You knew" she said looking at me shocked 

Gigi: "Of course I knew" I said, she looked at me more confused then ever "I was worried about his safety in the pack but I knew that when the pack saw we trusted him then they would to" I said and she looked at me then down a her hands 

Y/n: "Then why the outburst" she said making me take a deep breath and take her hands in mine

Gigi: "Hmm" I said looking at her hands and then back at her "I'm pregnant"

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