The Truth Beneath The Lies (Part 5)

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Gigi: "You want me to fight along side you and you bitch of an army" I said and he let out maniacal laugh causing me flinch at the sound of his annoying voice "What makes you think I'll even stay true to my word" I said and he stopped instantly

Silas: "Why would you not" he said and I looked at him as if he was an idiot "You don't think she really cares about you do you?" He said making me look at him wide eyed

Gigi: "She is my mate and she is faithful" I said not knowing now animalistic I sounded in that moment "She has done nothing wrong in the past" I said and she scoffed...'Oh no he didn't' Nora growled at the way he was talking about her mate

Silas: "Do you honestly think that she will stay true to this mate think" he said making me flat at him "The same good who had three girlfriends in one semester" he said and the anger in me build up just thinking of all the gorilla on my mate

Gigi: "She isn't that person anymore" i said and he looked at me stunned as if he was expecting a bigger reaction from me "Once She became alpha she has become more serious about thinks and wasn't screwing up the way you was" I said and he let out a viscous growl but i stood my ground

Silas: "You dare talk to your king that way" he said making me smirk "When this is all over, I will make you watch as I rip her apart right in front of you" he said and I felt Nora fight for control at the threat he made but i gained control and pushed her back but not all the way

I saw the smirk on his face and i had no idea what he was planning but i knew he wanted me angry, my powers

But what does he want with my powers I haven't even learnt how to control them. Last time somebody made me angry here i lost it and killed them on the spot and Silas witnessed it so i guess he wants to see if i would do it to him or if I'm capable of worse

Gigi: "If you wanna make me angry you have to try harder than that" I said and he looked at me with a smirk playing on his lips "I will fight with you under one condition" I said and he nodded for me to continue "I train with my pack and my mate" I said and he nodded making look at him confused

Silas: "But on that day you are mine, you fight as one of my own" he said and I reluctantly nodded my head not wanting to know what came next but i had to and deep down i wanted to

Gigi: "One more thing" I said and he looked at me waiting for me to continue "You keep me updated with the war plan, the actual one no lies no holding back information" i said and his smirk only grew

Silas: "I knew I wouldn't regret choosing you" he said making me glare at him and bow before walking out "Stay safe my reina del ajedrez" he said but I just walked away (A/n: it means chess queen)

I walked out the room and could help but think of the fact that he had called me a chess piece, this was all a game to him. He was playing with peoples lives and he didn't have a second thought about this...what did I get myself into


Y/n: "Hey you back" she said as I walked into the room and she ran to me pulled me closer to her. I felt the sparks shoot through my body "Meet me in the training room tonight we need to talk" she said into my ear making me shiver at the sound of her voice and nod making er chuckle at my reaction

Gigi: "Any reason why?" I asked taking her by surprise at the sudden questioning "I just mean is it serious that you have to tell me in secret I said and she looked at me and gave me a weird look

Y/n: "Are you feeling okay?" she said making me shake my head as soon as I realized what I was doing I stopped and walked out the room without looking back. I walked straight into the training room and walked to my locker getting out my gloves and walked over to the punching bag

Gigi: "I'm fine you know" I said turning around to meet with those warm Y/e/c that was filled with worry "And since you followed me in here care to tell me what you wanted to talk about" I said and she walked over to the other side of the punching bag and held on to it

Y/n: "We need to talk about us and the fact that it would only be a matter of time before you go into heat" she said and a shocked expression took over my features and she just stood there with a smirk on her face

Gigi: "Should I be worried at how casual u are about that topic" I said and the smirk on her face only grew making me gulp "Do you know what to do in that situation" I asked and she nodded "Then we have nothing to talk about" I said and she nodded

Y/n: "I just wanted you to know that I'm not gonna make you do anything you don't want to" she said and I felt warmth in my again and my pulse start to speed up

Gigi: "Thanks" I said and started unleashing my anger on the bag in front of me "You know your dad is playing games and gambling with lives and he doesn't give two thoughts about it" I said and all she did was look down but I noticed how her hand gripped onto the bag tighter

Y/n: "He always did those kind of stuff" she said making me look at her wide eyed "Non of the pack people noticed because my mom and I always changed everything before it went out" she said and I couldn't help but think of those days

Things where so much more simple back then, we used to run around and play in the garden till we were 15 and when we turned 16 Y/n mom put a bench in there so we could sit there and always have the garden to be our place

The peace of the past is drowning in the blood that would be shed in war and the innocent lives that would be lost in the fight that would satisfy only one army of the two

Gigi: "I accept you" I said catching her by surprise, she looked at me dumb founded. I couldn't help but laugh at how adorable she looked when she was confused "The mate bond" I said and she nodded assuring me that she can hear me "I just can't bare the thought of you getting hurt or worse" I said and she finally snapped out of her gaze as she registered what I just said

Y/n: "Jelena Nora Hadid" she said making me laugh at how she said my name "I will love you forever" she said and without a second thought I connected our lips

Gigi: "I love you Y/n Y/n/n Y/l/n" I said she she burst out laughing before re- connecting out lips deepening the kiss


What do you think Silas has up his sleeve do u think there's a much bigger plan going on??? Leave your thoughts and comments in well the comment section...😅



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