The New Allies(Part 4)

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Bella: "I think you know who has a crush on you" she said making me sigh and start to pack the bag that I need for the lesson, "Look, I know after the last time you only got disappointed at the end but you know that she is still in that 'Imma fuck around' phase" she said literally stating the obvious

Gigi: "I'm not going down that road unless she makes it clear what she wants" I said waking up and grabbing the bag "And honestly I don't think the feeling is as strong as it was back then" but unfortunately it is still there now "So can we go now?" 


Gigi was here for hours and we have only been doing work and the only time she spoke about anything besides work was when she came over and all she said as 'hi' and for some reason it hurt me and not just hurt me but it made me feel some kind of rejected in that moment 

Gigi: "Do you understand?" she said snapping me out of my thoughts, I really don't need a tutor cause I know my work. I'm actually a straight A student in Miss Edwards class, but I asked her to keep that on a down-low for now "You know what if you don't want to pay attention then we can do this when you are ready" she said bringing me from my thoughts again, how does that alays happen 

Y/n: "It's not that" I said trying to save my ass, "And in any case I thought we were bestfriends" yeah I know that has nothing to do with chemistry...or does it

Gigi: "What?!" she said standing up, "I also thought that, until you almost kissed me after you wanted me to hook up with Zayn" I did but, "And then you act dumb for me to tutor you when you and I both know you don't need one" okay I'll give her that one 

Y/n: "I did want you to be with him but I wanted to be the one to get you two together, I told you that" she looked at me with hurt and confusion in her eyes

Gigi: "Next time you wanna hide the truth go to Kendall and not me cause like I told you before Y/n I know when you are lying and when you are keeping something from me" what the hell is going on here, "I should go before I say something I won't regret" she said putting her stuff in her bag 

Y/n: "No! You don't get to do that" she stopped and looked at me and I could see her holding her tears back, "You don't get to tell me all that shit and then just walk away cause you not the only one that has someone to lose" she looked at me shocked and my eyes widened by what just came out of my mouth, 

Gigi: "Y/n" she said and walked over to me but I took a step back 

Y/n: "You should go" I said regretting it as soon as I said it


Today is the amazing day that I have that wonderful meeting we all have been waiting for...balls, couldn't it be any other Alpha? But no its Nick, Nick Y/l/n, my brother how fuckin amazing is that  

Gigi: "We need to talk" she said pulling me to her room, we all were currently at her place and we where watching a movie that the girls picked of course because non of the guys were in the mood for a horror movie right now given the day

Y/n: "We do not need to talk about  anything and frankly the movie is at the bet part were I can snuggle with my new girlfriend" oh did I forget to tell you guys 

Yeah with my new found confidence I broke up with Ariana  cause she was literally the definition of clingy and frankly that is just a straight up no and you can trust that she was not happy, besides this girl is beautiful sassy and really my kind of girl until I get bored. In my defense I can't really settle down cause I'm not mated to them 

Gigi: "Kerina? Really out all girls you chose her to be your rebound" she said making me look at her funny 

Y/n: "And why would you care, you, my lovely bestie, have boyfriend" I said folding my arms and leaning against the side as she just stood there glaring at me, " So, you do not get to call anyone out" It was my turn to stop talking before I say something I would regret

Behind her angel eyes... A Gigi and Y/n StoryWhere stories live. Discover now