The New Senior

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First day of school, senior year. I guess it's time to head back to that hell hole some people call school

Ariana: "Y/n! Over here" Just when I thought things could not get worse, I turned around giving my 'girlfriend' the best fake smile I could conjure up and like always she believed it

Y/n: "Hey babe"I said as she through herself on me

Ariana: "I missed you so much" she wrapped her hands around my neck making me wrap my hand around her waist...its an instinct

I saw the girls walk in the school and that was the best thing that happened since this day started

Y/n: "I'll see you later okay love" I said and walked away from her

Ariana: "Bye babe see you later" she screamed but I just continued walking over to the girls

Gigi: "Omg hi babe to totally haven't seen you since yesterday" I could tell she was mocking ariana but I couldn't help but laugh

Y/n: "You in a good mood today" I walked over to her and gave her a hug and a kiss on her cheek

Kendall: "Oh she has been this happy from the time she saw the head cheerleader walking with Zayn" she said earning a glare from Gigi

Y/n: "Don't tell me you still have a crush on that dork" and that ladies and gents earned a hit from Miss Hadid herself

Gigi: "His not a dork!" Her eyes widened as I opened my locker and I looked at her confused until

Zayn: "Whose not a dork" he said and stood next to me

Y/n: "A friend of mine, apparently we all are dorks" I said and he looked at me more confused "Right Kenny" I gave her a look and by the smirk on her face she caught on

Kendall: "Yeah, all you guys are dorks but luckily for you guys you have a defender" she said and nudged the now drooling blonde well semi drooling

Gigi: "I have to get to class early, c-cause I have to check on something" I narrowed my eyes and I heard a soft growl from her direction

Y/n: "And we have early morning practice" I ushered him away and went towards the basketball court

Zayn: "Well Alpha, you ready to get your ass kicked today"

Okay I know what you thinking how can I be alpha when I'm just a girl well since I was first born and I have no siblings and my parents can't have any more kids, I was chosen to take the position, and a girl can do just as good job as a's 2017 people

Y/n: "You are my best friends for a reason, game" I said with a smirk placed on my face

Zayn: "On" he said and we did our signature handshake before going on the court for practice

Zayn and I were friends from the time we could crawl, he always had my back even in my darkest times, so have the girls but I met them when I first started school, oh and did I mention his a human 

I was home schooled till the fifth grade then I went to the pack school were I met Gigi and Kendall and we have been best friends ever since

After practice or gym class I had Chemistry with Gigi and Kenny. I sit behind Gigi and Kenny sits one desk next to me

Y/n: "Pisst!" I said constantly until she turned around

Gigi: "What!" She screamed while whispering which made Kenny laugh at how childish I was acting

Y/n: "Do you want me to talk to Zayn for you" her eyes went wide

Gigi: "Are you insane" I looked at her confused and she caught up with my reaction, "Y/n we are currently writing a test which is half our grade and u call me to ask me that" see now I get why she was whispering

Miss Edwards: "Y/n stop talking or I'm gonna have to fail you" she said as she approached my desk

Y/n: "Well atleast I would see your gorgeous face for another year" I said and gave her a wink

Miss Edwards: "I don't think your mate would appreciate your overused and overdone tone" I heard Kendall try to hold back her laugh and I growled a little and she stopped instantly, "How about you focus on passing my class" she said and walked back to her desk

The buzzer rang and I handed my work in and walked out the class straight to my locker

Kylie: "You really do need new lines" she said giving me a shock of my life

Y/n: "Damn Ky! How do you even know about that it just happened now and I'm hurt that you think so little of me" I held my heart while saying that last part faking the hurt which made her sister laugh as she approached us

Kylie: "Word travels fast around here, that and I have supernatural hearing" I forgot about that for a second

Y/n: "I've been in a relationship for too long" I said making her laugh, "I'm serious I think I'm going soft" she burst out into a fit of laughter

Kendall: "You not getting soft you just lost your edge a little" she said opening her locker which is next to mine

Y/n: "And I know just how to get it back" Kylie looked at me confused but ken just shook her head

Kendall: "No way!" She glared at me "You are not using Gigi to get your edge back" she said and closed her locker

Kylie: "Ew" she said as disgust filled her face

Y/n: "Not like that!" Relief was present and the was replaced by confusion, "It will make her happy and help me at the same time, its a win win" I said turning to Kendall

Kendall: "We will talk about this later" I looked at her confused the realized why she said that

Gigi: "Hey guys I just need to get some stuff from my locker, I'll see you in the cafeteria" we all nodded and headed to the lunch


The Gigi book is finally up...yay

Okay so I hope its better to understand with this writing style soon enjoy the story but just say if the other writing style is better



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