Betas and Proposals (Part 1)

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It's been a few days and while Gigi has been helping Bella search for a new beta Hailey had been with a paranoid Y/n. She cannot seem to control what her best friend as it seems that the Alpha was like a little child on a major sugar rush but negativity radiated off her which made Hailey both laugh and worry about Y/n.

Hailey: "Y/n calm down before you break something" she said trying to hold in her laugh making the alpha stop and look at her sister

Y/n: "You think it's so much. Goddess what if its too much" she said but before she could start running again Hailey jumped in front of her and spread out her arms so that Y/n doesn't move past her

Hailey: "I swear if you start running around again I'm gonna faint from being dizzy and Bella would kick our ass" Y/n just looked at her and let out a deep sigh "Look I know that you are nervous about all of this I would be to but you got to stop over thinking this" she said and Y/n took a step back and sat down on one of the chairs she set up

Y/n: "I just want this night to be perfect" she let out another sigh and woke up and pulled her sister into her arms "Thanks for being here I don't know what I would do without you" she said and Hailey tightened her grip around her sister

Hailey: "Like wise" she said and pulled away "Now we should get back before they started wondering where we are" Y/n nodded and they both left and headed back to the pack house to check on the sisters


Bella: "I didn't think this would be this hard" she said going through the files of all the members in the pack and groan getting frustrated

Gigi: "I got more files from the office" she said walking in the room making Bella slump down on the chair "Hey I'm here helping and we don't have to complete all of this in one day" she said walking over and pulling her sister up from the chair

Hailey: "That sounds like a plan" she said walking in the room and towards the girls behind the desk

Gigi: "Where's Y/n" she asked and before the Y/e/c eyed girl walked in the room "Nevermind" she said and the girls let out a laugh that made Y/n stop and look at them confused as Gigi walked over to her

Y/n: "Am I missing something?" she said and they just hook their head a Gigi walked over to her mate placing a kiss on her cheek before standing by her side. Gigi being next to Y/n seemed to have calmed the Alpha down and relax on the inside and outside and Hailey was the only one who noticed it but Y/n she shook her head mentally telling her sister not to go there

Hailey: "Anyone up for a picnic in the garden" she said and they all nodded. They all walked down to the kitchen and noticed the basket on the kitchen counter and both Hadid sisters turn back to see their mates smiling at them "We knew you uys must have ha a long morning searching for the new beta and all" she said and walked over to Bella

Y/n: "So we thought why not do something romantic and surprise you two" she walked over to Gigi and wrapped her arm around her shoulder as Gigi's hand snaked around her waist

Hailey: "Okay we will see you love birds outside" she said and headed outside with Bella next to her who was wriggling her eyebrows at her sister as she walked outside.

Y/n: "I see you found your office" she said and looked down at her mate "That was suppose to be a surprise" she said pulling her mate closer to her

Gigi: "Bella told me you were planning on giving my your old office to do my work" she said and rested her head gently on Y/n's chest "The best part is that it's a joining office which links to yours" she said listening to Y/n's steady heart beat

Y/n: "I know it's been a tough couple months but I promise you things will get back to how they were" she said pulling back

Gigi: "I hope so, I mean with Silas still out there I just don't know anymore" she said and Y/n picked her head to look at me

Y/n: "Nothing going to change anything. Like I said earlier he has no one to back him, his alone" She said and placed a kiss on her mates forehead before moving to her lips, it was a soft and passionate kiss until Gigi pulled away making Y/n groan

Gigi: "We should get out there before they eat all the food" she said and the two laughed as they walked out to garden


Double update...just because. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and let me know what you think


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