Toxic (Part 2)

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It's been the longest day ever Y/n still hasn't woken up and I have no idea what to do next but one think I was sure off and that was that Silas was a dead man

Bella: "We need to talk" she said walking into the office shutting the door behind her

Gigi: "And that is" I questioned her tone

Bella: "Y/n has been used and abuse the last few weeks and it's getting toxic she can't keep going through this" she said and I could help but agree with her

Gigi: "We need to find him" I said and before I could say anything else the door flew open

James: "I leave you guys for a day and the Alpha is unconscious, there are people in the medical wing for injures unknown to man and there are dead bosses along the boarder of this pack territory" he said catching my full attention at the end

Bella: "What bodies are you talking about" she said and I leaned forward wanting the answer as well

James: "Well the blood your girlfriend was tracking lead to bodies along the boarder of the pack. Thankfully it isn't any of your pack members" he said and I let out a sigh of relief

Gigi: "I need people to investigate that further" I said and looked over to my sister "I want to know who's pack their from and what they were doing near my boarders" I said and James looked at me with a raised brow

James: "Your territory?" he said making my jaw tick

Gigi: "Yes, my territory" I said with more authority in my voice "When Y/n is hurt or unable to forfill her duties I'm second in command" I said, he lowered his head and then looked back up at me and nodded before leaving

Bella: "Nice one sis" she said and head for the door "Way to show him who's boss" she said winking before heading out the office


All I could see was darkness, I was surrounded by black and could find no way out. The entire world need me and I'm stuck in my mind, I heard a scream and raced towards the fimilar sound, I heard the scream over and over again and it seems as if coming from my head

I look around and see a shade of whit and walk up to it to see my mother lying on the floor unconscious and my dad standing over her with a bloody danger tainted with her blood. I looked to the side and saw a little girl standing by the door heart-broken as to what she had just witnessed, the death of her mother, her best friend and the one who loved her the most

Her father grabbed her by the hand and looked her in the eyes and started to shake her repeating only one line of words that played over in her head for centuries till this day. "What did you do!"

Kid kid wasn't to blame for the murder but stepped forward to save her father. She was then sentenced to life in prison where she was tortured and sculptured into the person she is today, she escaped at the age of 15 and ran away with her sister to start another pack of her own, a pack runner with honor, loyalty and respect for one another

She started the pack but was only given the Beta title when I got the alpha title and that was when we turned 21, from that day she has never looked back at her past but moved forward

I look at what my mate and her sister has become and I know there is no one more trust worthy then they are, we work as a team never divided. In my mind I see what they have accomplished and I know that I could not have done any of this without her


A few days has past and everything is still as it was at day one many people are saying that this plan will never work but of I have learnt anything, it's that I have to trust my powers and my wolf

Bella: "Gigi is everything in place for today" she said and I looked at her confused "Today is the day we try to wake up Y/n" she said and I shook my head

Gigi: "We don't know what we dealing with here Bella, I can't just experiment on my mate" I said and she let out a sigh

Bella: "Well do you want her to wake the hell up or not" she said throwing her hands up in the air "I know what I'm dealing with I wouldn't have offered it if I wasn't sure" she said and I just looked at her blankly "She is my friend to you know, I love and care for her just as much as you do" she said making me give in

Gigi: "Fine but becareful and don't do anything stupid do you understand me" I said sternly making her nod before leaving the room

Bella: "Oh and Kendall will be here soon along with her Alpha mate" she said and I looked at her confused "She didn't want us to be out numbered and she is also worried about Y/n" she said and I nodded as she left the room leaving me in thought

Gosh Y/n I really need you to wake up...


Another chapter done... Yay hope you enjoying the story and feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments

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