Truths And A Long Lost Life

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Y/n: "How are you alive" he walked over to the side of my bed but didn't say a word

James: "It doesn't matter" he said as he sat down making look at him confused

Gigi: "I'll give you two some time to talk" she said walking up and placing a kiss on my forehead before leaving

Y/n: "Why didn't you contact me all these years" I asked but got no reply "Where were you" I asked again but we remained in silence

James: "Sister I will answer all your questions but for now you need to get some rest so your body can heal" he woke up and walked over to me pulling me in a hug "Don't worry I'll be here when u wake"

He walked out and I heard some chatter in the hallway before Gigi walked in. I closed my eyes and placed my head back as her beautiful scent surrounded me

Gigi; "Hey get some rest and I'll be back to check on you later" she said and place one more kiss on my forehead before walking out the room


Bella: "We honestly have no way of tracking him" she said and I was about to clear out the entire desk but instead I took a deep breathe and looked up at her

Gigi: "I will not let him get away with what he has done, not this time and never again.he must pay for his sins" she nodded in agreement

Hailey: "The warriors are in the med bay getting treated luckily there were no casualties but many were injured" she said joining us at the table in Y/n's office

James: "His scent is gone and there's no trace of him" a frustrated growl escaped me making everyone in the room flinch at the sound of it

Hailey: "Don't worry we will find him" she said causing me to look down and then back at them "There's no where he can hide" she said making me look at her confused

Bella: "Babe there's the entire world out there" she looked at me and her eyes widened as soon as it made contact with mine. I could tell that she was scared cause she looked at Hails to finish her sentence

Hailey: "Every Alpha has been notified about what has happened her today" she said and looked over to me "Which means they will be on the look out" she said in a hushed tone. I nodded and let out a breathe of relief

Bella: "G now that Y/n is recovering you will have you take her place with the Alpha duties" I felt a weight on my shoulders at the thought of having to take her place. I mean I know she's not dead but I can't imagine ever doing this alone

Gigi: "It's different now" I said and she looked at me confused "I'm gonna need your help with something" she looked at me confused but nodded knowing I wouldn't ask her if I didn't need it


I heard screaming from my office and woke up to check what the commotion was all about. I opened the door to see my mate and beta having an argument with someone over the phone 

Gigi: "Get your ass back here James and we can track him together" she said and I felt my blood rise but it wasn't me it was my mate 

Bella: "She has a point there, you promised you would be here when she awoke" she said and let out a heavy sigh "She should wake up anytime now" I heard a sigh from the other side of the line 

James: "Fine I'll be home by sun down" he said and the line when dead 

Gigi: "You can come in you know" I heard my mates voice and couldn't help but smile as I opened the door and entered 

Behind her angel eyes... A Gigi and Y/n StoryWhere stories live. Discover now