Toxic (Part 4)

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My blood was boiling to the max at this point. Who the fuck does he think he is that he can come into my home demand my title and my mate. Bitch fuck no

Y/n: "Watch what comes out of your mouth next" I said and he just stood there amused "This is my pack and that is my beautiful mate" I said and his features fell

Silas: "You for getting the power I hold" he said in a deeper tone "I control your life" he said and we heard footsteps being me

Hailey: "Not anymore you don't" she said and I looked at her confused "Look at your mark" she said and I looked down to see nothing and I looked up at Silas to see him with a death glare

Bella: "You can leave now and die another day or you can stay and die today" she said, Shawn and Fai looked at each other and then back at us "Either way you will die" she said in a confident tone making me smile at my Beta's confidence

Y/n: "I think she was accurate about it so what's it gonna be" I said and they started to move back slowly "Make a wise choice guys, cause there's no going back" I said and they looked at each other and then to Silas who nodded at Fai

Fai: "I'll take my chances" he said tacking Hailey to the ground as Shawn and Silas disappeared and three more wolves came out from the forest

Bella was first to jump at Fai but was tackled down by one of the other wolves. I ran over and threw him off her. Hailey had kicked kicked Fai off her sending him flying through a tree

It was a even fight since it was four against four, we ran towards them and shifted mid-air, Hailey and Bella went for the wolves on the sides and Gigi and I attacked the center. The girls had the wolves down in seconds and were watching both me and Fai circle each other in the center

He stood his ground and lifted his head high with a wolf grin on his face making me look at him and send him a vicious growl making his smile widen, he lunged towards me taking me down as he stood over me, my wolf was enraged and Gigi could feel it as well cause her eyes turned from blue to green in seconds. The girls held her back while I pushed him off me

I let out another growl before I tackled him onto the grown wrapping my jaw around his neck applying more pressure after every movement he made under me. He swiped my stomach and I instantly let go of him, feeling a burning sensation across my stomach. He took this as an opportunity to claw at my face but I moved and my paws inserted themselves into his neck, but not deep enough to kill him. I could feel the warm liquid on my paws and released him. I pushed him into the tree a few feet behind him which knocked him out easily due to the blood loss

I took a few steps back and shifted into my human form and looked down at my stomach which was scratched badly, I heard a loud growl and fell onto a wolf before I was consumed by darkness.

Gigi: "Please wake up babe" she said grabbing ahold of my hand "I can't go through this again" she said again and put her head against my hands 

Y/n: "You won't have to" I said an her head shot up "Babe? That's a new one" I said and she let out a small laugh. God how I missed the sound of her laugh 

Gigi: "Shut up" she said rolling her eyes and moving from the chair onto the couch in my office and wrap her arms around me making me flinch as the pain coursed through my body "Shit! Sorry" she said instantly moving her hands making me move my hand and hold hers sending her a small smile 

Y/n: "It's just a little pain" I said and she just looked at me with worry evident in her eyes. I leaned down and kissed her forehead before looking at her "I'm fine, I promise I'm not going anywhere okay" I said and she nodded leaning up connecting our lips 

Gigi: "So I have to gentle with you now huh?" she said making me laugh and she pulled my head reconnecting our lips, I brushed my hand across her cheek pulling her closer and deepening the kiss 

Bella: "You two really don't waste any time do you" she said making me pull away and look at her with a smirk on my face as Gigi hid her face in my neck, "I got an update for you Alpha" she said looking at Gigi who looked at me 

Y/n: "I believe she's talking to you" I said and she sent me a sad smile "I can help you with paper work but you still in command until I get better" I said and she nodded in understanding. I woke up from the couch and stood up straight making Gigi rush to my side and help me stand straight "What's the update?" I asked before Hailey stormed into the room making all our heads snap to the door

Hailey: "That son of a bitch is in the wind" she said and I looked over to Gigi who tightened her grip on me a little, I sent her a reassuring smile and looked back at the love birds in front of me

Y/n: "It's fine" I said and they all looked at me dumbfounded "We have nothing to worry about, we destroyed his army, his... Your pack no longer wants anything to do with him" I said looking at Hailey and she just looked at me confused

Hailey"My old pack" she corrected but I shook my head "What are you getting at Y/n?" I walked around my desk and grabbed the letter that we had received a while back and handed it over to her "What is this?" she took the letter and her eyes widened "To Alpha Y/n for Who we would hope to be Alpha Hailey" she said and Bella's eyes widened as well as Gigi's

Y/n: "Your pack played not role in the fight that occurred" I said and she looked up at me with confusion and shock evident in her eyes "They stood down when Gigi went back for my brother" I said and she looked over to my mate for confirmation, Gigi nodded and I just looked at her

Hailey: "What about the Beta position?" she said making me look over to Bella

Gigi: "Well you would have to choose someone else to fill the position" she said walking over to her sister "I'm really gonna miss you, but the pack needs it's Luna just as this pack needs me" she said with tears forming in both their eyes

Bella: "This isn't goodbye" she said and looked over to me "When do we need to be there" she asked and I walked up to Gigi's side

Y/n: "Everything you guys need to know is in that letter but you can't leave until you find me a new beta" I said and they nodded before leaving the office. I walked to Gigi and pulled her into me "I love you" I said bringing her closer to me 

Gigi: "I love you to" she said and pulled me down gently connecting our lips in a passionate kiss


A chapter for you guys cause my Bio paper was the bomb and I'm celebrating with an update...hope you guys enjoyed the chapter


And let me know what you think in the comments

PS: 40 votes for next chapter

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