The New Allies (Part 1)

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I walked out the class and saw the girls standing by Y/n's locker and they looked like they was discussing something really important and for once Kendall looked really serious

The conversation died down once I got there and I got a real weird smirk it was filled with love and worry but more then usual from Y/n making me look at her awkwardly

Gigi: "Hey guys I just need to get some stuff from my locker, I'll see you in the cafeteria" they all nodded and headed to the lunch  

I can find a reason to why Y/n would want to fix me up with a human, I mean I do like him but what happens when I find my mate what happens when I have to lie to him about why I'm ending things

I need to talk to her before she does something stupid and reckless and not to mention that e is her best friend and one of the best players on the team

Gigi: "We need to talk" I said walking up to her and she woke up following  me outside and we sat on a bench

Y/n: "Hey whats up" she said while crosseing her arms and sitting down

Gigi: "About the Zayn thing. You can not do or say anything not one word" she looked almost surprised by everything I am saying 

Y/n: "G you had a major crush on him from the time I've met you" she said still not taking me serious, "You literally asked me for help more times than I can count"

Gigi: "I've asked you about two times now you just making me sound desperate" she started to laugh but I just glared at her 

Y/n: "You asked me for help so I'll help, what so wrong with that" its like she forgot every part of our lives honestly come on Y/n

Gigi: "Whats wrong is that we are werewolves, and once we turn 18 we will find our mates, you know, that person we spend the rest of our loves with, the person that was chosen for us by the Moon Goddess" I said snapping her back to reality 

Y/n: "You mean that person we will only find after the next two years. Don't you think we deserve to be happy before we give our lives to one person for the rest of our lives" I looked at her as if she had lost her mind, "And it's not like I'm telling you to sleep with the guy" I cannot believe what she is saying right now

Gigi: "What! do you even hear the words coming out of your mouth right now?" she looked at me as if I was the one losing my mind 

Y/n: "I really don't see why you are making this such a big deal, it is just dating a guy" she is still trying to change my mind and right now I really wanna know why 

Gigi: "What is in it for you?" I asked folding my arms and leaning against the locker

Y/n: "Me? Why would I have anything to gain from this, except from the fact that my best friend will be happy" I glared at her but to my surprise I received a smirk from her which made me even more confused in this situation 

Gigi: "I will think about it, but for now keep your mouth shut and do not utter a word to anyone understood?" I said and she just shrugged "Y/n I'm serious, understood?" She nodded and I got up and walked back into the school with her in tow

We walked back into the cafeteria and I sat next to Kenny who had already gotten my lunch, I thanked her and sat down

Kendall: "What was that about?" and in that moment the basketball captain took a seat next to Y/n and I choked literally and figuratively "G?"

Gigi: "I'll see you guys in class, I forget I had to see Miss Edwards about something" I tried lying and Kenny made it out 'I'll tell you later' I said though the mind link, she nodded and I made my way to the girls bathroom

 Y/n: "I didn't know Miss Edwards was gonna meet you in the toilet" she said making me turn around and making my eyes turn a deep blue by instinct, "Easy there you don't really want to fight your Alpha now do you" she said and I calmed down instantly he could always make me calm down instantly for some reason but she would only get more mad if I tried to calm her down

Gigi: "Sorry, why did you sneak up on me like that, I could have killed you" I hit her hand but only to hear her laugh in return

Y/n: "I'm sorry I just wanted to check up on you since you left the table in a rush and that is highly impossible" she said making me glare at her, "I won't talk to him but if you do decide that you want me to talk to him you have got to stop running away from him" 

Gigi: "It was not him I was running from" I haven't told Y/n of my stalker situation just yet and I really don't want to

Y/n: "What were you running from" why would I run from a thing "or better yet who were you running from" there you go

Gig: "That is a story for another day and frankly we don't have much time to talk" and as I expected the buzzer rang indicating that lunch has ended and we had to return to every teenagers nightmare 'the classroom'

We have advanced maths now and unfortunately for me Y/n has been watching me the entire period 

Gigi: "You got a problem Y/l/n?" I said turning around to stalker eyes but lucky for me it was Y/n's stalker eyes, "You wanna telling or ask me anything before I slap the sense back into you" she blinked couple times and focused on the front of the class  

A new scent hit my nose and it smelt of dominance, two alphas in one place is never a good idea especially when one of them is known as Y/n Y/l/n.

Most of the kids in our class just looked at him and many of the girls sat there drooling, and me I sat there praying we won't have to kill anyone today

I turned to Y/n whose eyes where now glowing a bright red, I looked back forward and were met with blue eyes, a smirk grew on his face

I heard a growl erupt from behind me, Mr Phil dismissed the class early and lucky for us it was the last class of the day...yay

Y/n: "GET OUT!" both Mr Phil and I flinched when we heard Y/n's tone but thankfully she had no control over me for some odd reason but Mr Phil did what was told off him 

Kendall: "Y/n you need to calm down okay" we both looked at her in confusion but then I was slapped by reality and realized why she did that

Gigi: "His your mate" 

Hope you guys are enjoying the book so far

(Y/n eye color change is on top)



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