Expect The Unexpected

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Bella: "You have to talk to her at some point" she said as I was pacing the room, "You can't avoid her the entire time she is here" she said. I stopped pacing and turned to her with the most serious look I had

Gigi: "I can try" I said and walked over to her, "She was alive all this time and she never told us anything" my loud voice turned into a whisper, "Why would she come back now, after all this time why now" all she did was look at me with apologetic eyes. Something about this all just doesn't sit well with me  

Bella: "Because there might be a war coming our way and she came to warn us" she said and my eyes widened and I let out a shaky sigh...that does not change anything but I'm not gonna tell her that  

Gigi: "Or she is here to watch us" her eyes widened and soon after I felt a sting on my cheek and I am now looking at the wall that was in the next to me a few seconds ago...bitch

Bella: "Don't you dare accuse her of such things" my eyes were closed, I analysed every detail of what was happening right now and trying to calm myself down at the same time so I don't say or do anything I'm going to regret      

Gigi: "Walk away Bells" not knowing who's voice came out from my body, I felt myself be shoved back as my anger increased, "Please before she takes back control" the voice said again but Bella refused the advice given to her and stayed still not moving a muscle in her body 

Bella: "She is our friend, hell you said it yourself that she is our family" she screamed and I was pushed to the front and given back control, "I will not let ANYONE speak of her in that way" she said raising her voice and my anger was beginning to surface once more

Gigi: "She is NOT" I said and her eyes widened, "The friend, the sister I had died in a car so five years ago" I said raising my voice, "That person out there is someone else. I don't know that person but I know for a fact that she isn't the same girl" I said, my voice became soft and laced with hurt and regret as I sat on the bed 

Bella: "You have to stop blaming yourself for what happen to her" she said down next to me on the bed   

Gigi: "I could have spoken up more importantly I could have protected her like I said I would" I said an looked at her with soft eyes, "I could have stopped it Bell, I could have tried but I didn't" I said and looked down at the floor 

Bella: "It was a long time ago, you have to move on at some point" she said putting her hand around my shoulder bringing me closer to her. "Maybe you should go talk to you best friend, you know the one who isn't dead anymore" she said making us both let out a small laugh, "But first go talk to your mate, she was looking for you earlier but I told her to give you some space" I nodded and woke up from the bed and whipped away the tears from my eyes

Gigi: "You know what you are right" I said and looked at her awkwardly and furrowed my eyebrows "That felt really weird saying out loud" she stuck out her tongue at me like a five year old making me burst out into a fit of laughter and call her what she was, "Five-year-old" I said and she looked at me smiling 

Bella: "I'll catch up with you later" she said in a weird tone and left the room, I watched as she left the room to be met by a different pair of eyes making me internally take a deep breathe

Hailey: "Hey there stranger" oh and that would explain a forever weird Miss Bella

Gigi: "Hey" I sat on the bed and released sighed not knowing what to say to her, "So how does it feel being back home" I found myself asking the first question that popped into my head

Hailey: "A bit weird" she said and looked at the floor then back at me "How have you been" she said and I could see she was trying to make conversation to fill the awkward silence, "I know you have a couple questions and I will answer them" I started to laugh not knowing how else to react to the situation 

Gigi: "A couple questions" I said as the laugh died down, "Hailey, you were alive the entire time and you didn't think we should have known" I said making her look at the floor and non-responsive

Hailey: "I thought about it everyday I was out there" I rolled my eyes and she just sighed, "If I had said something you guys would have come after me, knowing the dangers you would be putting yourselves through" she said and took a deep breathe "That was the last thing I wanted for all of you, especially your sister" she said and I woke up instantly 

Gigi: "We can make our own decisions and that decision was not one for you to make, we are able to make our own decision based on the pro's and con's" I said and she looked at me shocked, "We could have brought you home, Hailey and we would thought of a way to keep you here, to keep you safe" I said and she shook her head 

Hailey: "That would have never worked, and you know it" she said and I started to pace up and down the room walking from one side to the next, I stopped walking up to her I crouched down in front of her

Gigi: "We could have tried and it could have been enough, Y/n was next in line to be alpha she could have made the chances stand with us and not against us" I said and she just looked at me with guilt in her eyes. "What are you not telling us" I said completely changing the topic at hand. She looked at me wide eyed as I narrowed mine at her 

I could smell guilt thick in the air and the source was sitting on the bed. Wait how am I able to smell emotions 'Its a gift Gi, It helps with the role you have been given' Nora said in my mind, 'Is there anymore I should be aware of' I asked her 'All in due time little wolf' she said and I couldn't help but internally groan, when will she ever give me a structured answer that I can count on

Hailey: "What are you talking about?" she asked and shifted nervously on the bed, "I just...I'm sorry for not telling you that I was alive. I guess I was afraid that Y/n's dad will come looking for me since he was the one who ordered for the car to be exposed of  " she said and my eyes widened

That cannot be true, her mom would have never permitted the execution. She would have...did she just. I couldn't believe what was happening right in front of me. I have to tell Y/n but first. Without saying another word I punched her at the side of her head knocking her out

 'Well what do we do now smart egg' Nora said shoving herself to the front of my mind, 'I really need to find a way to shut you up sometimes' I said snapping at her 'Okay okay relax moody Judy' I rolled my eyes at her and got back to the task at hand 


What do you think Hails is hiding???



Behind her angel eyes... A Gigi and Y/n StoryWhere stories live. Discover now