The War Plan (Part 2)

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I woke up feeling the warmth next to me and I could help but smile as images of last night flashed into my mind shuffling a little I felt her grip around me tighten. I turned to face her only to find that she was wide awake and staring down at me 

I couldn't help but hide my now red face into her neck. Heat crawl up my face and I could feeling her chest vibrate when I looked up I saw her laughing and I sent her a playful growl making her look at me with an arched eyebrow. She gave me a mischievous grin making me look at her confused

She jumped up and hovered over me causing me to laugh at the childish grin that she was now using. Her hand move down my body making me shiver under her touch. She kissed my jaw before moving down my neck to the mark then moved down my body before mumbling 'Round two' in my mind through our bond link


After round two in bed and round three in the shower Y/n and I headed down into the kitchen for breakfast. We ran into Hailey in the kitchen and we sat at the island while Y/n and Bella made us breakfast. Bells made her grilled cheese while Y/n fried some bacon and potato wedges. After they were done in the kitchen Hails and I set the table in the dining room 

Bella: "So what's the plan today Y/n" she asked "Hope it's not my sister" she said making my eyes go wide while Y/n choked on her juice making us all look at her 

Y/n: "Well I did finalize some of our treaties but we need to work up a war plan and defense strategies" she said and looked over to me with soft eyes "Bella I'm gonna need you and Hailey to train the warriors while I come up with some ideas" she said and they both looked each other and smirked before nodding at her 

Gigi: "Don't kill them" I said and they looked at me and started pouting like a pup making Y/n chuckle "I mean it, give them time to breathe as well" I said and they looked at me and nodded. Bella looked at me with a smirk "What?" I asked and she just looked at me 

Bella: "Whatever you say Luna. I bet you know how it feels to be breathless because of not taking a break" she said and I felt heat rush up my face, I could hear Hailey laugh while Y/n just sat there grinning like an idiot 

Hailey: "Be proud Y/n" she said making me look at her with confusion "You are one of the few that has ever made blush like that" she said and a low growl came from Y/n. I could feel that her wolf was not pleased with that statement that Hails made but she was totally calm on the outside 

Y/n: "I'm happy to say that I would be the last to make her blush like that" she said making me look at her with an eyebrow raised 

Gigi: "I don't know there are some cute guys in the pack" I said and took a sip of my water innocently before I heard a fierce growl from across the table 

Y/n: "You will not speak of any other male in that way" she said making me smirk and the girls laugh at our behavior "I would kill any male who walks up to you with any funny ideas" she said and I looked at her wide eyed while she wore the smirk 

Bella: "That's not happening anytime soon so" she said and nodded at Hails who returned it and woke up from the table and walk into the kitchen and out the back o the training rounds leaving us alone 

Gigi: "Do you have to be that possessive" I asked but she just shrugged "I'm your mate and I can take care of myself, and any male that comes in my way" I said and woke up from my chair giving her a devious grin and woke up making my way into the kitchen 

I was washing the dishes when I felt a hand wrap around my waist placing kisses on my mark making the tingles burst through out my body 

Y/n: "I will always be possessive and protective" she said with her breathe hitting my neck making me to shiver "You are my mate and I care about you, always have always will" she said making my heart melt as I leaned into her touch 

Gigi: "We will find out how fair you are on the battlefield" I said and turned towards her to see hurt flash in her eyes but the second I saw it the same second it left "We need to discuss the war plan" I said  wiping the water of my hands as I made my way to her office 

When we opened the door we went in to see a note on her table. Looking at each other she read it. The note from Silas saying he expects me back there by sunset tomorrow the latest or Y/n would have wished that she had waited a little longer to mated with me 

I could see her eyes flash from black to red then back to her natural eye color, she was fighting for control and right now I don't know who is winning, I could let her wolf take over so I walked over to her and pulled her into me, she instantly hid her face in my neck taking in my sent to calm down he wolf 

Gigi: "Make up a plan and I will be back by the end of the week to find out what it is that I need to do" I said and she growled into my neck. I tightened my grip around her shoulders and she instantly relaxed into my touch "I will be fine, I promise" I said and she shook her head before pulling away 

Y/n: "No I don't trust him with you, hell I don't trust him in general" she said making me give her an apologetic look

Gigi: "I'm not asking you to trust him but I need you to trust me" she started to pace he room and I could feel the anger that was building up inside her "I will be perfectly fine I promise" I said and stopped her before she could  throw anything or everything around the room "Make the plan and I will do recon and when I get back at the end of the week you will see that we have everything under control" I said and she looked at me with uncertainty but the nodded "Good" I said and headed to my room to think of a plan B

+Few Hours Later+

Bella: "You can't leave again" she said walking in the room as I was packing "I won't let you" she said making me shake my head and pull her into a tight hug "It should be me going not you" she said making me pull back and looked at her wide eyed

Gigi: "No!" she was about to say something but I cut her off "I would have never let you suffer under his rules, that was not your fate" I could see her fighting back her tears "It's my job to protect you" I said but she shook her head 

Bella: "I can take care of myself" she said with a tear falling down her face "I am the pack beta and one of the strongest wolves in this pack" I sent her a soft smile but she just shook her head 

Gigi: "And I am so proud of you" she looked at me letting a tear fall but she wiped it away just as she felt another start to fall "You are the second strongest in this pack and I need you here taking care of everyone" I said giving her a soft smile which she returned while nodding "Everything is gonna get confusing now now and you being here ensures me that Y/n and the pack is safe" I said making her nod in agreement. I pulled her in for another hug and held on to her 

Bella: "So who's the strongest in the pack" she asked tightening her grip around me not wanting me to let go of her 

Gigi: "Me, obviously" I said making her laugh lightening up the mood, "But know this and believe this and never forget this" I said and she nodded "I will always stand on your side, no matter what" I said in all seriousness and pulled her in for one last hug


Wonder what's next for Gigi that she had to tell her sister that? And how did Silas know?...Leave your thoughts and guesses in the comments 

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