Chaper 1: I'm sorry princess

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Hey there! This is my new story, I think that you should read the story description first to get a little better understanding! Anyways hope you enjoy reading!

Em pov

"It's good to be back! " I said as I open our main door."welcome back Emily!" I'm name is actually princess Catharina Emile Delafields but I had a disagreement with my dad, the king of blue blood (also knows as vampires) So I moved away and stayed in Rosewood, now I go by the name Emily fields

To my father's eyes, I'm a disgrace because I'm not what he wanted, I'm the first and only hybrid in the world. As in i am both vampire and werewolf, and I'm the strongest creature out there. In the laws of vampires, hybrids are not allowed and are to be killed because they are a threat. But as the daughter of the king, my father kept me alive and made sure my werewolf side stayed hidden. But one day I wasn't able to control it ,I transformed for the first time. My father was beyond pissed and I made the decision to leave.

I had to stay in California for about a year but I'm back. I live with my 3 brothers, well they are not really my brothers because they are not an original vampires, they were human transformed into a vampire by my father, and their duty is to serve me and keep me safe.

Esdras, know as Ezra is the oldest among the 3 of us, his human age is 19 but his vampire age is 450.

Chaleb, know as caleb is the 2nd, he has the same human age as Ezra but his vampire age is only 400.

Lastly Tobais also know as Toby, he and I are very close because we both share the same human age of 18 and the same vampire age of 300.

Ezra has been taking charge of my company and all the shops, I know he loves it that he could be in charge for once. Because he though he is the oldest, he doesn't have the power over me haha I love it.

"Emily what do you want to do now? " Toby say snapping me back to reality. I put on my famous smirk saying "let's go check out the bar ! " I said getting  out of the house. "There is no need for that Emily i ready check it a few days ago. Everything is fine. " Ezra say acting like the boss. " I say we go that means we go.. Clear no question ask.." I say glaring at Ezra. With out another word, He nods his head, grab the car keys went into the car, waited for all of us to get in before driving us to the bar.

At the bar

I walked into the bar checking if everything is fine with the rest behind me and all the men gawking at me. As I walk further in, cold beer splash all over my face down to my white shirt. "What the fuck!" I shouted as I wipe the beer of my face with my hands, so I could see who the fuck did this. "Em relax.." Toby say knowing how I get when I'm angry. "Ms I'm so very very sorry" a blonde hair girl, I Guessed she is a newly hired waitress by wearing that uniform. "Omg Ms your clothes, let me.." She say, about to touch my shirt. " nope don't!" I shouted making the girl jump up and look at me with her eyes slightly teary. Shit! Those are eyes I swear I've seen them before somewhere...Gosh her blue ocean eye is so beautiful..She look so familiar.. Like I know her.. No that can not be.. I look back at the girl and I noticed she was shaking... Great Emily ... " I mean, you should go get something to clean this instead of my clothes ." I try to say calmly and she shook her head and went off. "Caleb! get me the manager now!" He jump , and run to get the manager. I know very well that this girl is definitely too young to be working here..

I walk away from the scene to the bar counter all wet with Toby and Ezra, wait for Caleb and the manager to come. "Everything is fine huh?" I say rising a brow up, questioning Ezra. He looked at me and was about to say something but someone bit him to it. " Ms fields, what a lovely surprise. We didn't know you that you're going to be here this evening. Oh no someone spilled all over you, let me get you a towel. "The manager, David said. "Nope no need." I say rising up a hand. "By the way did you know someone that spilled all over me is one of your waitress.." I continue. " oh my Gosh Ms I'm so very sorry what can I do to make this better?.." David say with his hands together begging. I looked at the girl that spilled all over me who is now cleaning the mess she made. "Fire her" the boys and David look at me all surprised. "W..what Ms ..I can't do that it was just an accident and plus it her first week here." Say David. I look him straight in the eyes "how old is she ?" "Erm " " don't lie to me David " "she's only 18 but ms she really need this job..there's no where else that is hiring and she have.." I cut him off by saying "I don't care.. I'm t he boss and She's underage..I made myself crystal clear on the first day, that all employees must be 21 and above didn't I.. So I want you to fire what you hired before I fire the both of you, clear?.." I say looking straight into his eyes. "Y..yes boss" he says before going over to the girl.

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