chapter 11: always my love

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" When I say I don't want doesn't mean I want to work you know.." I say as we walk into Emily's office.. Emily just laugh and shake her head. She then went to the big mirror behind her desk and draw some kind of pattern.."what are you doing?" I say, rising a brow at her.. suddenly the mirror slide out like a door..what the fuck!?

"Come in" she says walking in..after I step in.. the door close making me jump.. and obviously Emily saw it and started laughing.. "stop it... Oh wow.. what's this place?" I say looking around.. is like a small apartment.. there's only a big bed with a TV in front.. a small kitchen at the side and and a small washroom at the back.. and there's even a balcony showing of the back view of the building..which is actually the forest.. "this is my secret hide out..this is usually the first place I go when I want to get know.." she says sitting on the bed..

I went to join her.. and sit next to her.."wow so this is the place where all the boys have been talking about.." I say as I look around.."what? " She says turning looking at me. " Well Ben and the some of the jock in school..were talking about how you'd bring them to your secret hide out.. erm..give them pleasure.." I say don't daring to look into her eyes..

"Pleasure?!" She laughed out..she stood up when to the kitchen.."do you want anything to drink?" "Water will do.." after awhile she came but with 2 glass of water.. she pass me one then went back to her original sit next to me on the bed..since she's not denying it..that means it's true...I wonder is she just going to use me like the rest of the boys she brought here..

"Ali.. i know what you are thinking..but what you hear is all not true.. I've never brought anyone here..not even Ezra, Caleb or Toby.." she says after drinking her water and placing it on the side table next to her.." oh so I'm the first person you brought here?" "Yup" she say switch the TV to watch a show called pretty little liars..

"Then why did they say do had sex with them here?" "I don't know..I guess they're just making up false statement..just to increase their popularity.. " she says. "Wait so you never had sex with any of them?" I say with my eye open wide.."yup..I never.. and guess what Ben and I never did it too" she says look at me.. what?! No it can't be.. she's super hot.. and flirtatious.. but then again.."so you're a virgin?" I say. "Erm not really.." Emily says softly..

"What do you mean not really?" I ask narrowing my brows.."it's means I'm a not a virgin..but I never had sex before.." she says looking away, ashamed..oh no.. she baby.. "Emily.. can you please tell me.. about it.." I say.. place my hand on her cheek making her face me..and a tear drop just roll down her face.."I.. I'm scared.." she says softly avoiding eye contact.

" What are you scare of my love" I says trying to meet her eye.."I'm scared that if I tell you.. you'd look at me differently..and go running away.." she says wiping her tears away.."oh babe.. don't be scared.. there's nothing you can do to make me look at you differently or make me stay away from you.." I say as I caress her cheeks lightly.."don't get it Ali. that what the  ...I'm a monster..a life sucking demon.." she suddenly cried out..

" not a monster..and you definitely not a life sucking demon..your more then that..I don't fucking care if your a vampire..or a werewolf.....cause to me you're my beautiful loving goddess.." I say as I place a kiss on her forehead.. then bring her in to my chest.." now babe tell me what happened.." I say with her practically in my arms

" It..was about three years ago..when I was still living with the boys in the castle..


I was night..and Suddenly I heard some I open my eyes..and I saw my uncle sitting on my bed.. caressing my cheeks..I try to move my hands..but i couldn't move it..I was chain to my bed.. "wakey wakey.. princess" my father's brother says..." Un.. Uncle what..are you doing..why am I tied up?" I say.. trying to get free.."don't bother love.. your not strong enough to break it.." he say as he straddle me.. " what..what are you doing?" I say widening my eyes..

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