chapter 12:make you feel

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Em pov

"You know you didn't have to stop by at my house..just to get my clothes right..I'm fine just wearing your clothes.." Ali say as we both got out of the car.."I know Ali..but it just I thought that you won't like my clothes as it's too girly" I say. "Where did you go last night?" Ezra suddenly pop in front of me.. And so did Toby and Caleb.. "You say you're going to bring Ali home.. But you didn't come back.." Caleb continues.. " I er..did sent Ali home.. But after she left.. I suddenly turn into my wolf I couldn't come home.." I lie.. And both Ezra and Caleb believe it.. But I know Toby didn't..cause he's look at me all funny.. "Okay then..we have to wants to meet us before first period.." Ezra added.. "Oh you guys have the football games today right" Alison say.. "Yup we to go now before we're late.." says Caleb pulling Ezra and Toby..

When they were gone Ali turn face me.. And followed her arms.."why did you lie to them?" "What do you mean?" I say as I sat on the hood of my car.. "You told suddenly changed into your wolf form.. I know you don't want them to know about your secret hide out..but why can't you just say you stayed over at mines.. " she says slightly annoyed.. I was about to answer her when the girls came towards us..thank this time.."hello Emily..hi Ali.." All three of them say at the same time.. "You can call me Em.. And I hope that you three kept your words.." I say eyeing them.."yup we did.. " both aria and spencer says.. " you know you're the only one... And plus I bet you are very strong with both vampire and -" "shut up Hanna!" Spencer says cutting her off and stomping on her foot.." What you're problem spencer!" Hanna shouted holding her foot.. Spencer then till her head slightly to Ali.. And Hanna eyes widen.." Oops I forgot...Emily please don't kill me... " she say timidly..and both Ali and I started laughing and the girls just look at us weirdly..

"I know that Em is a hybrid.. " Alison say still laughing.." told her ?" Spencer say looking at me.. "Well I had to.." I say.. " what do you mean?" Aria ask.." It a Long story short..I save Ali and was bleeding to she'd confirm know something was off if she see me fine the next the boys brought her home and she saw me drink out a blood bag.. " "oh Ali do know about us?" Hanna ask. "Yup vampire, witch and bitch" Alison say laughing at her last choice of words as she points at spencer then aria and lastly at Hanna.. "Oh do you know that I can bite you head off.." Hanna growls.. Making Ali widening her eyes and hide behind me.."And do you know that will never happen because I would kill you if you touch Ali " I growl back.. "Wow..chill..Em..I was just joking.." Hanna says rising her hand up.. "And I wasn't " I say giving her and death glare..with made her now stand behind spencer.. " don't worry Han..I'm not going to hurt you..well unless you hurt Ali.." I say laughing.. "I won't..promise " Hanna says.. And I nod my head in reply..

The bell then started ringing and we all head to English class.. The girls sat round as.. And Alison is next to me of course.. But there is this girl..that I've near seen before..sitting next to Ali on the other side.. "Pst Ali..who's that?" I Whisper so I won't get caught.."she just move from New York 2 days ago..her name is Paige.. " Alison whipper back..I nodded and we both turn our attention to the teacher..throughout the whole class.. I would see that little bitch.. Trying to flirt with Ali..Gosh it's damn pathetic...this girl really doesn't know how to flirt..

When Class ended..I quickly pack my things and turn to talk to Ali..but someone get me to it.. "Hey Ali..I know we just meet a few days ago..but I can really feel the connection between us..and I was wondering if you'd want to go out to me tomorrow night.." Paige..or should I say pigskin.. Says shaking like a fucking wet poodle.. " erm..I'm not sure Paige..I'd have to check with my boss" Alison she pack her stuff in her big.. Ya that's right pigskin... She has to come to me first.. "Oh alright..there is my number..just let me know when you are free.." She says passing a piece of paper to Ali.. Causing me to roll my eyes.. Ali took the paper and hold it on her her normal sweet smile..."can I walk you to your next class?" Pigskin says..trying to grab her bag... But I snatch it before she could.. "Bet it ..pigskin.." I say as I hold on to Ali arm.. "Who do you think you are?" Pigskin says " your worst nightmare now scram.. " I say looking at her..knowing that my eyes is slightly red..her eyes widen.." are princess Emile.." She say.. "Yes but the name now is call me that again you'll regret it.." I say angrily.. And I can feel Ali's hand on my back trying to calm me down.. Pigskin nods her head and hurried out the class..

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