Chapter 10: but fuck it

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Ali pov

"'s me..can I come in please.." I say after knocking on her door..the door swing open and Em till her head asking me to get in.. Once I walk in she close the door behind me and sat on her bed lean on her head board. As I walk in i noticed that there is only three Colours in her, grey and white.. Her walls are even painted that Colours..Her room is very simple and neat...there's only a queen size bed with a 2 small bedside table on each side.. A big tv in front of the bed..a big walk in closet next to the tv but not too near..... Oh and she has one side of her wall as a glass sliding door showing of her balcony...with just one arm chair and a small table.. Wow you can see the forest..the trees and sky the .." Are you just going to stand there..quietly..the whole time" Emily says slightly laughing ..making go back to reality.. To why I'm in her room.. "You can sit you know..I don't bite.." Emily joked as she pats the space on her bed next to her.. "Well unless you want me too" she me her famous smirk..which made me roll my eyes at her..damn I miss that... I just miss her..

I went to sit next to her on the bed..making sure to leave some distance.."so I'm Guessing black, grey and white is your favourite Colours?" "Well it use to be" Emily say while switching on the TV.. "Oh really..then what's your favourite Colour now?" "Blue" she say plainly..with her eyes on the tv.. "Like sky blue or turquoise blue?" I say trying to continue the conversation.. So it won't be that awkward.."like your eyes blue" Emily says looking at me straight into my eyes.. Giving me her sweet beautiful smile.. Which of course made me blush.. She then started to reach out for neck.. " you know..You look so beautiful wearing this.. " she say.. Reminding me that I've been wearing the necklace she gave me for my birthday.." Thanks.. I don't usually wear necklaces.." I say looking away.. " why is that so princess?" She says still looking at me.."Causes i hate having things around my neck.. And why the world do you keep call princess..when I should be the one calling you that.." I say turning back to look at her.."well I'm Glad that you are wear it then.. And I call you princess cause I think you are want.. And don't ever call me princess.." She says as she switch the channel to god nows what..

" I wore it everyday..since" I say..looking down..shame of what I called her.."I'm sorry..I didn't mean what I said..I was just angry and I know what I did was very wrong..and when you didn't come back I was so fucking worried that something happened " "princess it's alright..I'm here..and I forgive you Long ago.. I just couldn't come back because I couldn't stay in my human form for more then 3 minutes..I could risk anyone seeing me..transform." She says grabbed my hand. " omg your the wolf that save my life.. And the one I talk to at the lake.." I say just realising it that..Emily just nodded and smile at me.." So does the people in rosewood know how you really are?"

"Only those who are witch, werewolves or vampires only knows I'm the vampire.. That's all.. Unlike the boys and your Friends who knows I'm a hybrid... And did You are the first human to know who I really am.." She says looking at me.."wait what I the first human when my friends know who you are..?" I say all confuse.."cause they are not human princess.. Spencer is a vampire..Hanna is a werewolf.. And lastly aria is a witch" she says smiling..what the hell!! And I thought we tell each other everything.."wow" was all that came out of my mouth.."don't be mad at them.. We don't really tell human.. cause then it wouldn't be save for them knowing " Emily says still holding my hand.. "I'm not mad..I'm just shock that's all.. And if it's not safe..why tell me.." "Oh princess I've been try so hard to do that.. But it's impossible now..since you saw me.. Bleeding to breath.. Obviously you're going to notice how my skin is completely normal the next day... So I guess the boys had no choice but to show you the truth.." She say laughing. "Oh my Gosh can you stop calling me princess..and why do you hate people calling you that.." I say waving my hands around.." I should be asking you the same thing..princess.." She says giving me a smirk..making me roll my eyes at her annoyed. "Fine..I hate being known as the vampire Kings Daughter...cause I feel like it..anyways how why don't you like? Shouldn't all girls be happy to be call a princess?" She says look at me.

"But I'm..I'm not really a girl.." I say looking away..ashamed of my parts... " might be a boy down..but you're a girl up..and Just because you have a dick doesn't mean you can't be called a princess.. " she says which made me smile.. Wow she really accept me.. "How has the whole school been.. Knowing that you have a dick?" "They haven't really say or done anything.. But I don't care anymore..and I'm guessing the girls threatened them.. " I say laughing.."that's good to hear..princess" she says smirking at me..and I rolled my eyes again..she then came close to my ears and Whisper "or do you prefer daddy instead " my eyes widen, I turn to look at her..but now she is facing the tv.. And acting as if she didn't just say that..."what did you say" "nothing.." She says giving me an innocent smile.. I just shook my head at her... Er..I actually don't mind her calling me daddy as I fuck the- " hmm Mona hasn't been giving you're little Friend some action huh" she says looking at me.. Mona ? I think she doesn't know... "What ?"  I say narrowing my brows.. And Emily look down.. Then I realised what she was talking about.. I looked down and fuck my bulge is big.. It's probably because of what she said.. My face started to heat up..I'm probably bright red now.. Which made Emily laugh.."After.. All this time I've been didn't get any?" She says. "That's because I broke up with her.. Just a few minutes after you left.." I say proudly.."oh..I'm sorry..why did you guys broke up?.."

Em pov

Shit..that means she's single.. I'm low key quite happy she is.. But then's more dangerous now... "After you left.. I heard some noise in the next class room so I went in ... And saw Ben and her.. Fucking.. Did you know Ben was the one who told everyone about me.." She says a little angry. "Wow..but actually I'm not surprised.. I Guess both of us has been cheated on by the two of them.." I say. She then turns to look at me.." dated Mona? "  "what!? Ew no.. Ben..I dated Ben..but he cheated on me with my fucking ex assistant.." I say looking at the tv.. "Oh that's why you hate him so much..who was your ex assistant anyway..?" "Mona" I say plainly. " what?! Why didn't she tell me ? " Alison say. "I don't know princess" I say giving her a smirk.. " oh my Gosh" she says as shakes her head.. I lean in close to her face "I'm sorry daddy" I say as I bite my lower lip and wink at her..

She then suddenly lean in to my lips and started kissing me.. I kissed her back as I get on top of her.. Her hands in my hair.. Pushing me closer to her.. I place one hand on her cheek and the other roaming her body.. As my hand gets lower..I can feel her hard members.. I grab hold of it and squeeze it.. Making Alison moan in my mouth..I pull away my lips " you like that don't you ?" I say as I lick my lips sexually.. "Hmm your so hot.." Alison says softly... I giggle and lean in again to kiss her lips.. Now I'm sitting on her hard members..slowly grinding on her.. She then starts kissing my jawline down to my neck...kiss it softly at first but then starts biting and sucking on them..her hands some how find their way to the inside of my shirt.. And since I'm not wearing a bra..she's now stroking my nipples gently and occasionally pinching them .. "Oh Ali.." I moan out so softly..

Suddenly there was a knock on the door..Ali pulled away and we both look at each other..trying to get our breath back.. I quickly got of Ali..sitting at my previous place.. I see Ali.. Grabbing the pillow to cover her very big members pocking out her pants.." Come in" I say as normal as I could..and Ali is pretending to watch the show in front of us..the door opens and it was Ezra.."It's getting late..Emily you should take Ali home.. " he says standing at the door.. "Yea..I should.." I say looking at Ali.. And he nods his head and walk off with out closing the door.. Then Ali start to give me this weird face.. "What's wrong princess?" I say.." I don't want to go home.." She says in a childlike voice with is so cute.. That it made me laugh.. "Aww..but the boys would never allow you to stay.. " I say getting up from my bed. "But..but" she says pouting.. "Why were you enjoy it too much? cause you want to have sex with all the other boys in school?" I say rising my brow at her.. "Well I did enjoy it..there's no denying that..and you know I don't only want you for that right.."  She says turning away.." I know you don't Ali.. But if you really don't want to go home I know a place where we could stay.." I says.. She stood up and you can clearly see she's big.." I'm sorry takes some time before it will go down.. " Alison says blushing.. I laugh and took her hand heading out of my room..

"I'm going to take Ali home now!" I shouted at the guys sitting in the living and run out of the house with Ali..before they could say anything or see Ali's bulge.. Cause then they would know..that we definitely did something.. ..and boy we did.. What we did earlier was so wrong..yet it feels so right.. I shouldn't have done it.. Her knowing I'm a hybrid is already very dangerous...And I shouldn't be even taking her to my secret hide out.. But fuck it.. I just can't get away from her.. I think I'm starting to fall in love with her.. Oh no..

End of chapter 10

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