chapter 14: only one for me

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I suddenly here the engine stop..shit what's happening..did it break down.."Emily sweetie we are can open your eyes now.." Alison say slightly laughing. Finally..after what it seems like forever.. I slowly open my eyes looking around as Ali got of the bike. It looks like we are in the woods..i sniff around..I know this place.. I've been here before.."Ali..what are we doing in Californian?" I say as she help me down the bike.

"Well..I wanted to take you somewhere that means alot to me.." Alison say as she took a bag out from the back of her motorbike. She then reach for my hand and lead me to the beach..we walk on the beach with our hand inter lock. After awhile we reach this big tree ..i know I remember that tree from somewhere.. Alison stop to look at me.."Er..I forgot to mention this..but do you know how to climb?" She say pointing up the tree.."why don't you show me first" I say with a smile.." Are you sure.. " I nodded yes and she started climbing she can really climb that fast but not fast enough ..she turn and saw that I was still at the ground.."want me to wait for you?" "Nope.." I say with a grin as I jump from branch to branch till I was at the same height..which shock Alison.. "Want to get on my back..I think we will reach there fast.."I say laughing and she tries to punch me on my shoulder..but her grip loosen and made her fall..but I caught her hand on time, place her on my back.."are you okay princess?" I say turning to look at her.."yup..thank you.." "It's alright.. now you hold on tight okay.." She then wrap her legs around my waist and her arms around my shoulder very tightly..

I jump from branch to branch till we reach "wow..a tree house.." I say as Alison got of me.. "Yup.. he built it for me, when I was younger " She say as we both enter..It was just a small room with a few bean bags and pillows laying around, books and a lamp hang In the center.. "I know it not much and beautiful as your hide out.." Alison say blashing.."no I love it.." I say "I know your know what wait here.." Alison took a few and her bag and climb a ladder located at the side.."wow now then you have a ladder.." I say laughing.."well I didn't need one earlier..cause my dad wanted me to learn who to climb.." She say sticking her tongue out..she lift the lid on the top and disappear to the roof.. After awhile I hear some loud noise coming from above.."are you okay.." I shouted. "Yup..almost done...okay you can come up now.." I climb the ladder and my eyes widen at the beautiful setup around me....the sun was setting..twinkle little handing on the branches.. And in the center was a small short table with our food.. And a blankets and pillows laying around it.. " beautiful Ali.." I say walking up to her..

" are beautiful.." She say placing her forehead on mine.. We eat as we watch the sun set.. Now Ali and I are lying down looking at the stars above us.. "Ali.." I say turning to look at her."I love you.." She Smile and lean in closer.."I love you too Em.." She say before placing her lips on mine..But suddenly a flash of light appear..


"Why are you cry?" I say walking up to a blonde girl curl up into a ball crying her heart out.. " did you get up here.." She say looking up and moving away from me.. "I climb duh..don't worry I'm not here to hurt you.." I say look into those beautiful blue eyes..filled with sadness.. "Who..are you.." She say wiping her tears away.." I'm Emily..I heard you crying and thought made to check it out.." I say getting closer to her.. "You heard me from down there?" She say rising her brows.. "Well...I can hear you from my apartment.." I say truthfully but she thought it was a joke so she started laughing.. "You're the first person that can make me laugh this hard after..well..You can sit next to me if you want..I'm Alison by the way.." I smile and took a sit next to her.."ah..a beautiful name for a beautiful girl..but why is the beauty so sad?" I say looking at her..Gosh those eyes.. " dad died..and tomorrow we will be leaving California.." She say looking up at the sky.. "Oh..I'm sorry about your dad..but where you going?" "I really don't know.. Emily.." She say placing her head on my shoulder.. "Why do I feel like a know and trust you..when I just meet you.." She say looking at me.."I feel the same too..I feel connected to you somehow.. " I say staring in her beautiful eyes..

Next thing I knew she was kissing me, I kiss back with as much passion and love.. One thing led to another..we were both naked with her above me..kissing and sucking my neck "are you sure about this Emily ?" She say lifting her head to look at me.."I never been so sure in my entire life..I want you Ali..give it to me.." I say breathlessly.. she smile and push into me.."oh..fuck.." I scream.." are you okay.." Alison say all worried.. "thank you for care Ali..but I'm can you fuck me now..." I say smirking at her.."my pleasure beautiful.." she say as she thrust into me harder.."yes Ali.. that's it!!"  I scream loudly.. "oh gosh I love you.." Alison say still thrust in and out of me.."what..what did you say.." she stop and look at me and remove the hair on my face.. "it's nothing..I was -" "I love you too Ali" I say pulling her closer give her a deep loving kiss..and then then same flash appears again..


"Wow.." I say pulling away from Ali.."did you see was saw..?" Alison say touching her lips.." yeah...I remember everything.." I say. " could we not remember each other..and we had sex..." Alison say. "A witch erased our memories of each other..that how.." I say looking at her.."and I can't believe we had sex.." "do you regret it.." Alison say with her eyes all teary..

"Nope..I don't..I just wish.. I didn't forget about you.." I say placing my hand on her cheeks and she lean in to my hand. "Well you remember me now don't you.." she say smiling.. "hmmn not really how about you remind me how good you and beautiful you are again.. " I say smirking.."oh is someone asking for dessert?" She say pulling away from my hand.. "yes and I bet it's going to be delicious.." I say licking my lower lips..

I stood up and slowly unzipped my clothes and removing them off..and Alison eyes pop out and mouth big enough for you to see her stomach.. "liking the view daddy" I say kneeling down, crawling to her.. "oh.. baby is not the is.. " she say winking..

I crawled till was on top of her.. she remove her shirt and sports bra, showing me her boobs for the first time..and dare I say they are as beautiful as I imagine.. i unbutton his pants and pull down his pants along with her boxer, her members shot up.. so hard and long..I down and give it a few kiss and lick.. slowly getting up to her lips.."can I ride you daddy?" I say whispering to her ears..and she just nods quickly in response..I placed myself directly on top of it and push it me...the feeling of having her filled me up made me moan in pleasure.. after getting you use to her size..I started bouncing up and down.."oh Ali..." She then grabs both of my boobs cause me to stop all my moment..she flipped us around with her still in me..and kisses my lips "you're so hot baby" Alison say pulling away..

I was about to answer her but she suddenly pulled herself out and thrust back in me with so much force, making me scream like crazy.. "oh my gosh..I'm sor-" I place my hand on her lips " don't apologise daddy..I like it when you're all rough on me.. " she smirks and continues pounding on me. "Ohh Daddy yess!! I'm going to cumm" "I'm Cummings too.." Alison scream.. next thing we knew both of us released at the same time.. making the both of us scream loudly with so much pleasure.. when we both finally stopped Alison remove herself and lay her body next to mine.. trying to catch her breath.. "I think that ways better than our first " she say looking at me .. I smile and went closer to her and place my head on her chest her, hearing her heart beat.. she reach for a blanket and place it around us.. "Emily.." I turn to look at her a she remove the hairs on my face.. "you're the only one for me.."

End of chapter 14

Btw this how Emily's father look like...

And her mother look the same as she is now 😂

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And her mother look the same as she is now 😂

Anyways hope you enjoy this chapter..i know I'm really good at writing smut..sorry haha I try..

Oh I have a new emison book out too.. it's call "meant to be"
Hope you check it out !!


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