chapter 8: bye beautiful

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The whole time in school I didn't manage to see or find Emily anywhere.. Now I'm head to her office..she didn't say I was I bet she just going to be plain rude or ask me to do stupid things for her.. I knocked on her door.. Scared of what she might do..or say. "Come in" a male voice says, I open the door and Ezra, Caleb and Toby were all in the room going through some papers. "Where's Emily? " I ask walking towards them. "she not coming today and she told us to inform that she's giving you the day off" Ezra say without lifting her eyes from the paper his holding. "What? Why is she coming? And I don't need the day off.." I say shaking my head not agreeing to not work today. "We don't know.. She was suppose to meet us during lunch but she didn't show up and she call us tell us that she has something to deal with.." Toby say looking at me. "And she didn't tell you what is it that she needed to deal with?" I ask.. Even if I already know the answer.. She isn't here because off me..

"Look we don't know why she isn't ducking here.. And even if we knew we wouldn't even tell you." Ezra says a little piss..the other two glare at him.. Warning him to calm down and apologies.. "Sorry Alison..we just have a lot to do right now... And it's just Emily hardly tell us thing and if she did she wouldn't want anyone to know.. How about you go home and take a rest.. You look like you need it.." Ezra says nicely looking at me. " it's alright.. I understand and I appreciate the offer but since you all got a lot to do, I want to help you guys out." I says. "Cool could you help get the file from -" "Ezra don't" Toby says cutting Ezra off. "You got a fucking problem Toby" Ezra says angrily. "Yeah Ezra I know she doesn't allow it.." Toby answer back as angry.. What are they taking about..."do I look like I fucking.. She's not here.. She wouldn't know.." "Unless I tell her.. You know she's literally kill you if she finds out.." Toby says. "Why you asshole you would dare!" Ezra shouted, looking like his about to Attack Toby but he stops when the office phone started to ring..

They all turn toward the phone and didn't move.. I pick up the phone " hello this is EC Jewelry, how may I help you.." " didn't I say to take the day off.." "Emily..?" I say with my eyes widen and the boys just staring at me.."put me me on loudspeaker now" she says not confirming who she is..but with the voice of an angel.. I would never miss it.. "Okay" I put her on loudspeaker saying "your on" "okay great.. Now.. Why were you guys not doing work.. Instead are fighting?" She say. The boys and I look at each other confused to why she'd know about that.. "How did you know?" Ezra ask. " I have my ways.. Now tell me what were you all fighting about..Toby?" Ezra death glare at him..Saying if you tell I will be in big trouble.."er We just couldn't figure something out..that's all but we are good now" Toby says... Why didn't he tell the truth.. I mean I know Toby is younger then Ezra but her looks like her can beat the shit out of him.. "Caleb?" "It's was nothing was just us being childish.." He answered.

"LAIRS! All of you!" Emily shouted very loudly causing as all to jump.. "All of you know that no body except me can tell Alison what to do.. And you still bloody dare Ezra!" Wait up how did she know... Why is she so full of mysteries.. " I'm sorry Emily..." Ezra finally speak up... " Whatever.. now alison.. you already broke rule number 2.. respect.. " "look Emily I'm sorry about that let me come meet and we can talk this out.. " I say desperately.

" No I don't want to see.. go home now and come tomorrow.." she says before hang up.. " you hear her.. go home Ali before she gets even more angry.." Caleb say walking me to the door.. I nod my head and say my goodbyes..

A few days later...

I have seen or heard from Emily since that day.. And I fucking miss her.. I keeping on asking the days where she was but they told me they don't know anything.. That Emily has be home for days now... What if something happened to her.. Gosh Emily where the fuck are you...

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