Chapter 26: Feelings

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(A/n I'm back hehe.. Btw just saying this is a very long chapter.)

Ali pov

After while Emily slightly regains back her strength but she still quite weak and tired. " Em.. You need to go home and get some rest.. " Toby says "No I can't go home.. If the rest of the guys come home n see me like this they'll ask so many shit.." She says slightly rolling her eyes as she tries to stand up. "But Emily you need to res-" "no tobs, I don't need to rest.." she slowly brings herself up..but she stumbles and she was about to fall forward. I quickly grab her waist and bring her close to me, holding her tight in my arms..Emily turns to look at me.. Our face is just inches apart.. Her face turns bright red and she quickly turns her head to the other direction.. I wanted to make a comment about it.. But I decide to leave it.. Cause she looks so cute right now...

"Are you okay?" I say as I tuck her hair behind her ear.. "Ye..yeah thank you for catching me.." She says still looking away.."I'll always catch u, Emily... But Toby is right.. You really need to rest.. Why don't come over and rest at my house.. That way the rest won't know your condition and i can make sure you will be good care.."

"No Alison i cant-" " that's a great idea, alison... I'll leave her in your care kay.. I need to go now.. The guys are calling me.." Toby say with his ringing phone on his hand.." But Toby... The guys going to wonder where i am.." "And I'll make up something..but right now I gotta go before they find me.." Emily wanted to answer but Toby was already gone.. "So do you still want to come over? I mean not going to force you.." I say giving her a smile praying that she will say..." yeah.. I don't feel being anywhere in school, home or even the office right now.." She says without looking at me.. I ain't going to lie but I'm literally jumping for joy inside, like my heart just jump to heaven..

Em pov..

Alisocontinuesue to have her arms around me as we walk towards the car park in complete silent.. Lucky there isn't much student out here.. I don't want them to see me like this.."shit i forgot Spencer drove me to school today.." "It's okay, Alison we can use my car its just there.." I say pointing at my black car.. Ali gave me a smile as we head towards the car..

I was going to walk to drive side went Ali lead me to the other side.. I look at her all confused.. "Erm could you pass me the keys?" She ask sweetly..i took them out of my pockets and gave it to her. She unlocks the door, and open it, "come let us get you in.. Slowly alright.."
" wait why did you lead me here.. How am i going to drive.." I ask as i slowly struggle to sit down.."emily, you are still healing and in a lot of pain.. No way in hell am i going to let you drive.. "She say, making sure im all settle down.. she leans in the car, helping me buckle my safety belt.. " safely come first " she say winking..

"Wait then whos going to drive??" Im super confuse.. I think i hit my head a little hard..Ali gave me a smirk, close the door and head to the drive side.. "I am" she say seating down and staring the engine.. "What?! Since when do you drive?" I ask her.. Alison laugh and buckle her safety belt.. "Since about a month ago.." She say driving off.. My eyes widen.. "Don't worry i won't get us kill.. " she say laughing as she drives out of school.. "Ali dont even joke about that" i say playfully slapping her arm, causing ali to pout at me..

Gosh you're so cute... Sudden ali's eyes widen, quickly turn away as her face started to turn red.. "Shit did i just say that out loud.." "Yeah you did..erm.. How about we listen to some music " Alison say trying to break the awkwardness..Im quite surprise.. Alison is actually a really good driver..

"Emm..Emily, we are here..wakey wakey.." Alison say sweetly as i feel a hand caressing my check. "Hmmm nuuuuu " i whine softly, refusing to open my eye and wake up.. "Okay fine, you sleep alright.." I smile and fall into deeper sleep.. But i felt my safety belt buckle, my arm being placed around a neck and my leg rape around a waist.. Probably ali's.

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