Chapter 3 : don't fall in love with me

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Ali pov

"What did she say?" Spencer say running up to me. Should I told her that she called me.. Na she probably say that to everyone , cause I notice she such a big flirt. "I got the job!! and she say to meet her at 5 in her office, but she left before she could say ask her where" I say excitedly. But them I noticed my Girlfriend doesn't look too happy about it. " baby don't be like that.. Shouldn't you be happy that I'm able to treat my girl now?" I say kissing her cheeks. " okay fine, but you need be careful of her okay.. She's not what you think she is..." She say giving up being upset. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I just do want my hottie to get hurt and I want to be able to spend time with you " she say pouting. "Oh baby girl, she won't hurt me ...nothing can get me away from that sexy body of yours." I say pulling her closer and start kissing her.. Nope more like making out with her.. Making all the other girls whine eww..

"Omg did you say 5 ?!" Spencer suddenly burst out. "Yup " I say with my lip on Mona's neck. " fuck you need to go now! " spencer shouts trying to pull me away from my Girlfriend. "The fuck spence you just want to stop me from showing my love to my girl that's all. " I say annoyed. " yup that too but also because you have only five minutes to reach her office.. And trust me she hates it when people are late.." " oh my fuck, you're right .. But where is her office? And I don't bloody have a car to get their on time.." I say checking my watch and getting all panic. " I know where it is, I'll drive you but we gotta hurry?" Spencer say walk to her car. We say bye to the girls and I kissed my Girlfriend goodbye and drove off to Emily's office.

After a few minutes or so we stopped in front of this building that has a EC Jewelry write big on top of the entrance.. Fuck she has her own building.. From the looks of it, She must be damn rich... "Her office is the whole of the top floor, when you lift door open, you'll see a big black door, knock it twice and if she say enter then you open it understand?" Spencer say pressing the lift open for me. " wait your not coming with me ?" I ask. "Nope, she doesn't want to see me right now. we'll talk later, I'll even show you around but now you got to get up there" spencer say pressing the highest button and closed the lift door for me. Fucking this building is 20 stores high.. I know their other buildings higher then this .. But I bet this is the highest building in rosewood.

When I reach the lift door open, and a big black door is stand right in front of me. I stood for a few minutes scared of what I might see. Why the fuck am i so scared it's just Emily and from the looks of it I like she might like me. I knock on the door, "come in " an angel voice say. I enter and my jaw dropped this is not a fucking office.. It's like a big living room.. But damn her office is so neat and simple.. My eyes starts wonderingly around but then, "you're late" Emily says not lifting her eyes from the piece of paper in front of her. I check my watch and what fuck... "I'm only 2 minutes late.." She lifted her eye and glare at me.. "But still late" she say sternly. "I'm sorry it's just - " I say but got cut off by her. " I don't want to heard it " she say lifting a hand up. "Sit" she say pointing at the black chair in front of her desk. I nod my head and quick do as she say. "Now listen closely cause I'm only going to say this ones.. I have 6 rules that you need to follow and if you break them you get punish, And if you have any questions do feel free to ask, do you understand." She say strictly, which scared me a little. "Rule number 1 when I ask something I expect an answer.. So let me repeat that again.. Do you understand?" "Y..yes I understand.." I say timidly while nodding my head.

"Good .. rule number 2, respect.. I'm the boss not a friend or a family, clear ?" "Yes very clear." I reply quickly..But..But what if I want you to be my friend or more then that..I thought to myself. Omg Ali stop... She's right..she's your boss and you got a loving Girlfriend.. stop thinking of her that way... " rule number 3, whatever I ask you to do things, you do them alright, no one of my brothers or my stuff can tell you what to do unless I allow it of course.." She says slightly grinning. "What kinds of thinks will you ask me to do.." I ask curiously. "That's for me to know and for you to find out.." She says, while biting her lower lip sexually... Fuck.. What is this girl doing to me.. I just want to lift her up and put her on her office desk an bang her, bang her hard till there is no tomorrow. Fuck fuck stop that Ali...

Em pov

"That's for me too know and for you to find out" I say a little to sexually then I expected.. Gosh what the hell is happening to me I'm getting all wet just by looking at her.. And that's new for me.. Cause I flirt with lots of girl and boys and they flirt with me back.. But never once I got my panties this fucking wet.. And I had a Boyfriend before too so.... I don't get it.. Okay Emily continue.. Putting her in her place..

"Rule number 4, privacy is very important to me , so I expect you to NOT be look at places that you should.. Understand" I say very fiercely. She needs to know that she can't look through my things cause if she does she might find out more thing that she shouldn't know.. Like fore one I'm not a human...or I'm a princess or something.. "Understand.." She say nodding her head a little fearful and shock at my suddenly change of tone.

"Okay then let's continue rule number 5, what's mine doesn't mean it's yours" I say angrily then I wanted too.. But this was the rule that last assistant broke and I swear I could have broke her when I found out she was fucking my Boyfriend at that time.. Fucking hoe just thinking about her wants to ripe her apart even if I was don't love him anymore... "W..what do Mean?" She say timidly. Is it weird that I find her adorable when she looks so scared? I don't know.. "It means I don't like to share.. Food.. Things and most of all people.." She still look so confused but I don't care she should know better.. " okay any questions?" I ask, she was about to say something when the door slam open.

Ezra...he looks angry as shit.. And Toby and Caleb is holding him back.. " let me the fuck go !" He say and got out of their grip, I'm not surprised Ezra is strong then the both of them combined..."Alison close your eyes now!" I shouted quickly and saw she did as told before she could see Ezra speed run towards her. I jump over the desk and tackle Ezra before he could reach Alison. And I pin him down on the floor, he struggled to move but I'm way stronger then him. " what the fuck do you thing your doing!" I shout struggling his neck.. " Em..Emily l..let go..I.. I can't breathe.." He struggles to say but i didn't let go I just tighten my grip around his neck and my eye starts turning red again and I stared growling showing my sharp teeth.. "Emily stop, you're going to kill him" Caleb say hold my shoulder but I just growl at him angrily and he back away..

I turn to erza and he's begging for me to let go.. But I don't know why but I can't want too. I can feel myself getting more and more angry, my nails started to grow sharper.. Any minute now I could transform into a wolf.." Em..Emily I don't know what's going on but p..please stop..'re scaring me " Alison says, I turn to look at her and her hands is still covering her face but she's shaking like crazy.. Oh Ali.. I let go of Ezra stood up and completely change back to normal, walk towards the blonde . Toby and Caleb ran toward Ezra who is holding on to his neck. I stand in front and touch her shoulder but she flinch, i turn to Erza and saw that his neck has heal. " Ali you can open your eyes now." I Say still looking at erza . " what the hell Emily you could have kill me.. And I did nothing wrong " he say. "You Did NOTHING WRONG !" I shout at the top of my voice, "you were about to hurt Alison ... and I wasn't going to let that happen. I don't fucking care if you hate her or don't agree on making her my assignment. But is you so fucking touch her or hurt her in anyway, I won't fucking hesitate to kill you.. Am I clear?" I say firmly. But the boy's jaw drop, speechless when they realise I'm dead serious. "AM I FUCKING CLEAR!" I shouted again.. "Yes.. All clear Emily, I'm sorry I won't do that again. " erza quickly respond. "You better not, now get the fuck out of her..all of you! " I say and they quickly left the room closing the door behind the...Gosh I need to control my temper..

I turn to look at Alison her eyes and it was full of fear and all wet ..and it saddens me.. Since she's shorter then me I pull her close to me and place her head on my chest and rub her back so gently. "Shhh.. It's okay Ali.. Don't cry.." After a minute or so she calm down, I lifted her head up and cradle her cheeks with both of my hands "I'll never hurt you or let anyone every hurt you alright princess" I say slightly smiling and she nods her head and place it back on my chest and hug my waist tight. "Oh by the way princess one more rule.." I say and she lifted her head and she got me diving in to her deep blue ocean eyes, before I knew her lips was on mine and they start dancing.. It's was the most magical thing I've ever experienced but I had to stop it..I pull my lips away look into her eyes saying so softly " don't fall in love with me, princess"

End of chapter 3
Hope you like it!!
Btw can't wait to watch Sasha on dwts ahh!

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