chapter 15: i love you emmy

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Em pov

We woke in each other arms..with our leg tangled together..I wish I could always wake up seeing her beautiful face in the morning..

Since today is Saturday, Ali and i both decided that we will go home...take a bath, change..and I will pick her up and go talk to Aria..since she's a witch. Alison drove home..well I ran..I didn't want to get caught by the guys..
When i open the front door, the guys were all seated in the living room.."where the hell did you go last night Emily !" Ezra shouted standing up.

"Why do you care.." I say rolling my eyes.."em..we kept calling you but you didn't answer.." celeb say looking at me. "Yeah ..we were just worried.." Toby added.."I'm fine..I was just out in the woods, and my phone is low battery.." I say climb up the stairs.."in the woods really..then why do you smell like sex.." Ezra say following his arms

"None of your fucking business.." I say getting into my room, closing the door behind me..I quickly took a bath change into my choice of outfit and head out to the door. "Where are you going? You just came home.." Ezra say stepping in front.."gosh what are you my mother.." I say annoyed with him.."well at least I care not like your mother.." "what did you just say!?" I say glare at him..and he kept his mouth shut.."wow so now you shut up... about my mother again and I'll make sure I'll bite your head off..." I say angrily before opening door and slamming it behind me.

I got into my car and drove away to Ali's house..Ali was seat outside at the steps looking all handsome...she saw my car and got in to the seat next to me.."you look so beautiful.." Alison say kiss me on my lips.."Don't I always do.." I say filping my hair and giving her a flirtatious wink. Making her She rolled her eyes at me. "Ah look very beautiful too my Ali.." and her face turns bright red..

We knock on Aria's main door, with in a few seconds it open and aria look at us all shock.."what..what are you both doing here..?" "We want answers.." I say sternly..she looks at Ali.."sorry ari..but we need your help.." Ali says nicely... She nodded and let us in.."so what can I help you with? " She say sitting on the sofa.

We both sat on the loveseat holding hands.. making aria look at us weirdly.." a witch erased our memories of each other..and I want to know who is responsible for it.." I say and aria face turn pale.."aria..are you okay.." Alison ask nicely.. "yea..yeah I'm did you know someone erase your memory.. " "because we remember came to us in flashbacks.." Ali response for me.. aria face is still white as ghost.."so..I see..what do you want me to do?" "I want you to tell me who did it..and why.." I say calmly..

"I..I can't do that..." Aria say standing up.. " but aria.." Ali sat standing up as well.." why not...why wouldn't you do it" I say " because... because I don't know how to..." She say looking down.."oh then thank you anyways aria sorry for disturbing you.." Alison say as she pull me up and towards the door.."are you sure ?" I say look straight into her eyes.."yes..I'm sorry.." she says looking back..bad move Missy..I can spot your lie from a Miles away. I put on a fake smile and thank her before exiting.

Once we were out Alison quickly run ahead of me and open my car door.."my lady.." she say bowing down.."what a gentleman.." I say kissing her cheeks before getting in..Alison quickly run to the other side and got in..and drove her back home.."babe.. something is off.." she says as I walk her to her door.."what do you mean Ali.." I say grabbing her hand. " I mean..I think aria is hiding something.." "oh...I thought so too but I get to the bottom of this baby.. don't worry.." I say, lifting her hand and kissing them.

"I'll talk to you later okay babe.." I say and was about to walk away went she pull me back cause me to almost fall backwards but I caught her in time.." wow could fall and hurt yourself.." I jokingly scold her..she folded her arms around her chest, giving me the cutest puppy dog eyes.." you were just going to leave with a kiss none na.." she says pouting her lips.. I laugh at her adorableness

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