chapter 22: stop loving me

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After school...
Em pov

"Boys.. I was thinking.. i want to open a collection..." I say as Toby, Caleb, Ezra enter the lift.. "cool... So why will all the jewelry be inspired by?" Ezra say as he press the highest level..

"No Ezra I'm talking about clothes... I want to expand the business.. and I heard the fashion industry is making huge money.. so why not.. " I says."but it ain't easy.. First you got to have a factory... A designer..-" omg Ezra shut up.. I got it all planned... I already bought factory..  All I need now is a just a creative designer.. "

"you what?... You Bought a factory? " Ezra ask.. And I just nod my head yes. "when? and why you didn't come to us first? " he say with a slightly upset.. "when I was on the way home.. We past by a factory.. So I decided to stop by and buy it... " I say smiling proudly.  

"plus.. I am the boss after all.. I can do whatever damn thing I want without coming to you 3 first.. " I say smirking knowing that I'm right.. And Caleb and Toby started Ezra just folded his arm like a little baby that didn't get what he ask for..

"anyways as I was saying.. Want a new and amazing creative director..someone that you know  I can trust.. So any recommendations boys? " I say as we all exist out the elevator.. " well Hanna has always told me how she dream to be fashion designer since she was younger... I've seen her designs they're amazing.. Plus you both already know each other..and she also knows your secret.. " Caleb says as all 3 of them follow behind me into my office

"wow isn't she you girlfriend too.. " Ezra says in a he close my office door..  "it's an awesome idea... Someone need to call her now an ask her if she bring her designs come by make a business deal.. " I say walking up to my desk... Gosh it been so long...  I thought  as I slowly took a sit..

"I'm on it Emily.. " a sweet voice say at the corner of my office.. We turn to the direction.. To Alison on the phone.. Which I assume is Hanna.. "that would be great..I'll let her now..yup I'll see you later... " Alison say before hanging up the phone..she's wearing same clothes as earlier but this time.. She had unbutton her blouse  3 button  down.. Showing slightly her black lace bra...which she knows was my favorite on her.. Gosh Alison what are you planning on doing ...

"she says she's currently out with her mom now... But she says that she'll come by later around 2 to 3 hours time.. With her designs and everything.. " she says looking  at as with her beautiful smile... "thank you... But how did you get in here...  And most importantly what are you doing here.. " I says narrowing my eyebrows..

"you gave me the keys remember.. A long  time ago.. " she says still smiling at me.. "and I came here to work... " she says proudly.. "work? " I ask confused  I thought  after I broke up with her she'd you know.. Quit working for me.. "you Alison has help us a lot since you been gone.. Telling us where were the important stuff  kept and ect.. The company could have been in a mess if it wasn't for her.. So We couldn't just let her go... Plus we didn't  know how you'd react if we did... " Toby added..

"thanks for that info, Toby... But could you all leave us.. Need to have a word
with Ms dilaurentis here.. " I says turning to face the boys..  They nodded and exit the room..  "wow...Ms dilaurentis?..why so formal. .." she says.. "please take a sit " I say painting  at the chair right in front of my desk.. Alison shakes her head but did as I said.. 

"what are you trying to do huh..?" I say as I get up from my seat and walk towards the big glass window... "what do you mean..." Alison say innocently.. "you know what I this like some kind of plan to try and win be back...  Cause if it is.. Let me just save your time... It ain't gonna work."I says as I turned round to see that Alison is right in front of me.

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