chapter 17: my naughty monster

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Em pov

I've been staying at the Alison's house for the past two day... I got to know the twins and Alison's mom much more..there was so much love and kindness in this family.. something that never find in the Delafields family..

I lay on Ali bed as I watch the beauty sleep.. as I don't need that much sleep, so this past two nights I'd lay in bed with my head snuggle up on Ali chest as I watch her sleep..not in the creepy way of cause...

"Ali.. princess time to wake up.." I say caressing her rose red cheeks.. "hmmm awhile more.." she mumbling covering her eyes with her arms.. "Ali..we have school..we need to get up now.." I laugh.. she I decided to remove the sheets, leaving her with just her boxers and bra..but she still refused to remove her arm and open her eyes.. hmm like it the hard way huh..

I slowly pull down her boxers making her Ali Jr. To stand up strong and definitely hard... I lean down down sticking my tongue tip touch his..making her move a little..I start swirling around the head.. and I see that he looks like his enjoying it..I continue by licking it like a lollipop. A long and slow licks..

She remove her arm and grabs the sheets tightly with her eyes still close..oh daddy we were just getting started.. I took him by his full length and started ride him with my and out.. feeling him in my throat. She suddenly shot up and stared at me all confused.. "that..that wasn't a dream.." she says.. I remove my mouth and give her a cheeky smirk.. "of cause not.. " I says before getting right on top of her.. placing him in me..


After reaching our heights..we took a bath together and got ready for school..em is wearing of my old jersey and hat to cover up her healing cut..Which she decided to wear it like a dress since it's a little too big for her...well I'm not complaining..she looks so adorable in my jersey with my name and my lucky number at the could I not love it...Love her..

"You know.. that was the best wake up call ever.." I say as I turn off the engine to Em's car at the school parking lot... " It certainly was... wasn't it.." she says, smiling widely..grabbing my hand. I feel her slowly leaning I did the same..

our lips crush feel like magic..every kiss with this beauty is like my first..exciting, adventurous, unforgettable...her tongue swirling with mine...I never want to let go...but we were both running out of air. We pull apart and connect our forehead together.. looking into each other eyes with so much love and desire..

Suddenly we hear something hit the front window... scaring the shit out of us.. some idiot who throw a drink..and Noel and his friends are laughing in front of us..Noel comes from one of the richest family in the world..but he is a dickhead.. Emily's eyes turn red.. oh shit.."em..calm down.. " I says grabbing her hand.. she look back at me and her eyes change back." Hey everyone! Did you know Emily fields is a lesbian.." Noel shouted at the top of his voice, getting everyone attention.

"That's it.." Emily got out the car slamming it..and walk all the way to Noel.. punching him hard on the face causing him to fall backwards..I quickly got out of the car, locking it shut.."you talk too much..learn to the fuck shut up" Emily says before turning around and head towards me.

Em pov

"I'm sorry princess.. I had too. " I say looking down.. suddenly her eyes widen.."Em watch out..." She says pushing me away to the side.

Noel was charging towards her and before I knew it..Noel did the same thing I did to blood started to boiled seeing my Ali lying on the fall.. I got on my feet and was about to tackle him..when Ezra got to him I when to Ali instead.

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