chapter 18: you belong to me

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That night I decided that it was best if Ali came home with us..since there's some blood on her and it's already getting quite late..and obviously the boys agreed to it...

As soon as we got home...Ali and I went straight to my bathroom and took a long hot shower together..I tell it was hard keeping our hands away from each other..we also need to get rid of all the wolf blood and scent out of our bodies... Meanwhile the boys have to take turns using the Other 2 bathroom we have in our house...

After we all go clean up, we all sat down on the sofa, Ali and I on a two seat sofa and the rest on the Long sofa..and the boys allowed Alison to pick out the movie since she's our guest ..and I think picked out a movie called twlight..I don't know but she say it's one of her favorite movie.. so what the hell why not..

Before the movie started Ali turn her direction towards the guys and started talking.."you all..i want to thank you for saving my life earlier and for accepting Emily's and I relationship... especially you Ezra..thank you.." she says as she awkwardly rub her hand behind her neck.. "ya guys this means alot to me..your support.." I says as I grab Ali's hand, rubbing circles on it..

"No problem Ali...and Em always.." Toby and Caleb say together.. "Well it's Going to take some time of getting use to you all know that this relationship is going to be really difficult.... But I will do my part to help you guys out and whatever it takes to see Emily this happy... It really has been a Long time you know.." He laughed at the end so did everyone else...

"hey!" I shout playfully throwing the cushion at him.. "Shhhhh the show is starting.." Say my Girlfriend as she place her hand on my mouth shutting me up..and of course I took the chance to give her hand a big lick.. "Omg Em..why the fuck did you like me for?" She says wiping her hand on my shirt.. "Cause I like how you taste.." I say as I bite my Low lips, causing Ali to turn all red in front of the guys. "Oh my Gosh get a room.." All the boys as at once, making all laugh like crazy..

Ali pov

"What the world...if we only shine like that..." Caleb suddenly shout out, making us all turn.. "Yea if only....I bet I'd go out in the sun Everyday.." Toby added.. Rosewood isn't really a very sunny place..Spencer is a vampire and come to think of it, she never goes out in the sun..and if she did she'd have an umbrella or somethings to block the sun away..And I just assume she hated getting in the sun...but the boy..I've seen them under the sun before but nothing happens ..

"I'm just curious..Does anything happens to you if you all go under the sun?" I says looking at them.. "Yup..we actually can burn..and if we stay Long enough we could burn into ashes and died.." Ezra says causing me to drop my jaw.. "Oops..I didn't mean to be too straight forward.." "No it okay..I am just shock..cause I definitely have since you four under the sun..and nothing like that happen. "

"Oh that's cause we have this" all the boys say at once as they all show me a plan golden ring on their middle finger with the word DF on it.. which I assume it short form for Delafields "Emily's fa- I mean the king gave it to us when we were assigned to assist Emily... This rings allows a vampire to stay under the sun.. but there's very few of these and only royalty wear it or can give them out" Toby says..

"Oh I get it... So em why don't you have one?" I says, looking at her hands as I held them.. "cause I don't need it.." she says, not taking her eyes of the screen for one second.. "you already know Em's half vamp. And half wolf... So she can don't get burn at all under the sun.. she feels nothing right em?" Caleb elaborate more.

"Em?? Emily?" Caleb says again trying to get her attention.. "huh..ah yes.." she says still with her eyes glue on the screen...after that we all continue watching without saying anything else..

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